- RecordA
- RecordCname
- RecordPTR
- RecordHost
- RecordA (Fetch, FetchByName, FetchByIP, Modify, Delete)
- RecordCname (Fetch, FetchByName, FetchByIP, Modify, Delete)
- RecordPTR (Fetch, FetchByName, FetchByIP, Modify, Delete)
- RecordHost (Fetch, FetchByName, FetchByIP, Modify, Delete)
The filter
can be any part of an FQDN. The more specific, the faster the query will execute. Fetch will return the A or Host record of the matched name, and its referenced PTR and CName/Aliases. Each object will also include all associated IB references.
Performs the same operation as Fetch, but does so by IP address.
Creates an A record, and all referenced objects (i.e., PTR and Cname records).
Updates an A record, and all referenced objects (i.e., PTR and Cname records). This oepration will delete PTR records if the IP address has changed, and create/delete Cname records.
Deletes an A record and all of its referenced objects.
The clients are designed to provide the most amount of flexibility to developers. Developers can instantiate a client, attach a client session to the client and then call any of the client methods. These are raw operations and rely heavily on the business logic of the appliance.
The infoblox package includes the Infoblox
helper struct that includes all defined clients and methods to provide some automation. Develepers can call the infoblox.Set(client.Host)
method to instantiate the helper object. A client.Host
parameter must be passed into Set
; otherwise, the helper will not be able to communicate with Infoblox. See below or reference the inflox_test.go file for more details.
host := new(client.Host)
host.Name = InfobloxServer
host.UserName = Username
host.Password = Password
o := infoblox.Set(host)
defer o.Unset()
if err != nil {
r,_: = o.Fetch("mydns")
log.Printf("%+v", r)
Once the helper object is created, the developer can call any of the business logic functions above.
- Author: Carlos Villanueva, carlos.villanueva@ticketmaster.com