bindings. is a simple ReactJS app.
It allows you to import, change or export keymap bindings in popular editors as Atom, Sublime Text, vim and other.
Convert csv
or json
files to alias
or other formats.
basic usage scenario is: import keymap from csv/json
key-value file, look at key bindings, change some of them and convert it to other representation (atom/vim/sublime or alias)
for assuring proper converting use following file formats.
you can find sample files for some file types in /samples
- bash alias (You can import/export.alias
alias g='git'
alias ga='git add'
alias gaa='git add --all'
alias gapa='git add --patch'
alias gau='git add --update'
alias gap='git apply'
alias gb='git branch'
- Atom editor (atom uses CSON)
'ctrl+v': 'paste'
'ctrl+c': 'copy'
'ctrl-f': 'find'
- CSV format
ga,git add
gaa,git add --all
gapa,git add --patch
gau,git add --update
gba,git branch -a
- basic JSON format
[{"key":"g","value":"git"},{"key":"ga","value":"git add"},
{"key":"gaa","value":"git add --all"},
{"key":"gapa","value":"git add --patch"},
{"key":"gau","value":"git add --update"},
{"key":"gap","value":"git apply"}
- Sublime Text 3
{ "keys": ["key1"], "command": "1" }
, { "keys": ["ctrl+v"], "command": "paste" }
, { "keys": ["k2"], "command": "k3" }
, { "keys": ["131452"], "command": "23564" }
not implemented yet :
- vim maps.vs
- Visual Studio.eclipse
- Eclipse
see changelog in the root of the repo