Note: the base implementation is already working. The optimization procedure is still a work in progress though.
A quick brainfuck interpreter implemented in the Rust language.
This implementation is focussed on being as quick as possible. This is my approach of building a quick interpreter, I'm sure there are quicker interpreters out there.
For installation, Git and Rust cargo are required. Install the latest version of Rust with rustup.
# Clone the project
git clone
cd brainfuck-rs-simple
# View help
cargo run --release -- --help
# Run a program
cargo run --release -- programs/hello_world.b
# Test
cargo test
brainfuck-rs-quick --help
brainfuck-rs-quick 0.1
Tim Visée <>
A quick brainfuck interpreter in Rust.
brainfuck-rs-quick [FLAGS] <FILE>
-b, --buffer Buffer output until the program is finished
-d, --describe Describe interpreted and optimized program logic
-h, --help Prints help information
--pretty Pretify described program logic
-p, --profiler Enable the profiler to interpreter stages
-V, --version Prints version information
<FILE> Brainfuck file to interpret
This project is released under the GNU GPL-3.0 license. Check out the LICENSE file for more information.