- Complies with the Express3 framework view system
- Web browser(IE 7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc...) and Node.js support
- error line number support
- Compile caching
- Includes
- Extends
- Simple loop syntax
- Simple condition syntax
- Custom seperator
- String modifier (Date format and more useful..)
- Custom user modifier
#Quick example Below is quick example how to use tipJSP.js:
var vdata = {
name : "peku",
age : 20
var html = tipJSP.render("<ul><li><@=name@></li><li><@=age@></li></ul>", vdata);
// output "<ul><li>peku</li><li>20</li></ul>"
#Installation ###Node.js
npm install tipjsp -save
###Web browser
<script src='tipJSP.js'></script>
#Express3 framework view system
app.engine( 'jsp', require('tipjsp') );
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
app.set('view engine', 'jsp');
// or
app.engine( 'jsp', require('tipjsp').setSep('<%', '%>') );
#Rendering ###tipJSP.render(string, data) #####template
<script type='text/tipJSP' id='template'>
<@ for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ @>
<li><@= arr[i] @></li>
<@ } @>
var vdata = {
arr : ["peku1","peku2","peku3"]
var html = tipJSP.render(document.getElementById("template").innerHTML, vdata);
###tipJSP.renderFile(path, data);
var vdata = {
arr : ["peku1","peku2","peku3"]
var html = tipJSP.renderFile("./template.jsp", vdata);
#Simple loop syntax
<@# i in arr @>
<li><@= arr[i] @></li>
<@ } @>
var vdata = {
arr : ["peku1","peku2","peku3"]
var html = tipJSP.render(templateStr, vdata);
<@# k in obj @>
<li><@= obj[k] @></li>
<@ } @>
var vdata = {
obj : {a:"peku1",b:"peku2",c:"peku3"}
var html = tipJSP.render(templateStr, vdata);
#Simple condition syntax #####template
<@# input @> or <@# input == true @>
<@ } @>
<@# !input @> or <@# input == false @>
<@ } @>
var vdata = {
input : true,
value1 : 'true',
value2 : 'false'
var html = tipJSP.render(templateStr, vdata);
#Includes #####header.jsp
<@ include header.jsp @>
#Extends #####base.jsp
<@match child1@>
<@match child2@>
<@extends base.jsp@>
<@match child1@>
<@match child2@>
var html = tipJSP.renderFile('index.jsp', vdata);
#Compile caching ###setCache(true/false)
var vdata = {
arr : ["peku1","peku2","peku3"]
var str = document.getElementById("template").innerHTML;
tipJSP.setCache(true); // enable/disable compile cache
var html = tipJSP.render(str, vdata);
// or
var html = tipJSP.setCache(true).render(str, vdata);
#Change seperator #####template
<% for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ %>
<li><%= arr[i] %></li>
<% } %>
var vdata = {
arr : ["peku1","peku2","peku3"]
var str = document.getElementById("template").innerHTML;
tipJSP.setSep('<%', '%>');
var html = tipJSP.render(str, vdata);
// or
var html = tipJSP.setSep('<%', '%>').render(str, vdata);
#String modifier ###cr2(to)
// input = 'peku1\r\npeku2\rpeku3';
<@= input|cr2,'\n' @>
// output = 'peku1\npeku2\npeku3';
// input = 'peku1\r\npeku2\npeku3';
<@= input|cr2br @>
// output = 'peku1<br />peku2<br />peku3';
###cutStrb(length[, reststr])
// input = '가나다abc';
<@= input|cutStrb,2 @>
// output = '가나...';
<@= input|cutStrb,5,'..' @>
// output = '가나다ab..';
// input = 1388556061000; // milliseconds or dateString
<@= input|date,'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss' @>
// output = '2014/01/01 15:01:01';
<@= input|date,'yyyy년 MM月 ddDay hh:mm:ss:ap',['Morning', 'Noon'] @>
// output = '2014년 01月 01Day 03:01:01:Noon';
<@= input|date,'yy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss:ap' @>
// output = '14-01-01 03:01:01:PM';
// input = '<h1>abc</h1>&\'"';
<@= input|escapeHtml @>
// output = '<h1>abc</h1>&'"';
// input = 'a\\b\\c';
<@= input|escapeBackslash @>
// output = 'a\\\\b\\\\c';
// input = 1234567;
<@= input|numcomma @>
// output = '1,234,567';
<@= input|numcomma,'원' @>
// output = '1,234,567원';
// input = '<h1>abc</h1>&\'"';
<@= input|stripTag @>
// output = 'abc&\'"';
// input = ' abc d ef ';
<@= input|trim @>
// output = 'abc d ef';
#Custom user modifier #####template
<div><@= num|double @></div>
<div><@= num|half @></div>
var vdata = {
age : 20
var userModifier = {
double : function( num ){
return num * 2;
half : function( num ){
return num / 2;
var str = document.getElementById("template").innerHTML;
tipJSP.setModifier( userModifier );
var html = tipJSP.render(str, vdata);
// or
var html = tipJSP.setModifier( userModifier ).render(str, vdata);
- Maeng,KiWan / hikaMaeng