This is where I'm storing my dotfiles. Exciting, right?
This repo is being managed via yadm, so make sure it's installed.
Setup dotfiles by cloning this repo with yadm
(boostrap files are included in this repo and will run automatically after clone):
yadm clone --bootstrap
Plugins are managed as submodules.
yadm submodule add $GIT_REPO $HOME/.vim/pack/plugins/start/$REPO_NAME
yadm submodule deinit -f -- $HOME/.vim/pack/plugins/start/$REPO_NAME
yadm submodule update --remote
Plugins are managed as submodules.
yadm submodule add $GIT_REPO $HOME/.tmux/plugins/$REPO_NAME
yadm submodule deinit -f -- $HOME/.tmux/plugins/$REPO_NAME
yadm submodule update --remote