Using Unity ML-Agents. link to banana collector!
For this project, agent will be trained to navigate and collect bananas in a sqare world.
Reward as follows: A reward of +1 is provided for collecting a yellow banana, and a reward of -1 is provided for collecting a blue banana.
Objective of agent:
Thus, the goal of your agent is to collect as many yellow bananas as possible while avoiding blue bananas.
State space in the environment:
Number of state space : 37
Vector of state space type : continuous
The state space has 37 dimensions and contains the agent's velocity, along with ray-based perception of objects around the agent's forward direction.
State space : Number of state space : 37
[ 1. 0. 0. 0. 0.84408134 0. 0. 1. 0. 0.0748472 0. 1. 0. 0.]
Action space: Number of action space : 4
0 - move forward.
1 - move backward.
2 - turn left.
3 - turn right
Completion of successful agent:
The task is episodic, and in order to solve the environment, agent must get an average score of +13 over 100 consecutive episodes.
Deep Q-Network is a popular technique when coming to training agent to play famous games like Atari, however issue such as overestimation is a factor that could degrade the performance of agent using DQN alone.
Double DQN is able to reduce overestimation problem (overoptimism) in DQN using technique of target network as reference.
Reference : Minh et al. 2015
Figure above show that highlighted green is the higher score of the game. DQN shown to be better in certain cases . In banana collector , benchmark will be conducted by implementing both DQN and DDQN to see the comparison of both algorithm.
- report.pdf: a document that describes the details of the different implementation, along with ideas for future work.
- jupyter notebook Banana_Navigator/Navigation.ipynb: Notebook to run agent learning at DQN and DDQN with the switch at agent class DDQN=False (DQN) and DDQN=True (DDQN).
- checkpoint_ddqn.pth : Weight file that has the trained agent using DDQN.
- checkpoint_dqn.pth : Weight file that has the trained agent using DQN.
- requiremets.txt : File for dependencies . Can run trhough pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the environment from one of the links below. You need only select the environment that matches your operating system:
- Linux: click here
- Mac OSX: click here
- Windows (32-bit): click here
- Windows (64-bit): click here
(For Windows users) Check out this link if you need help with determining if your computer is running a 32-bit version or 64-bit version of the Windows operating system.
(For AWS) If you'd like to train the agent on AWS (and have not enabled a virtual screen), then please use this link to obtain the environment.
Place the file in the DRLND GitHub repository, in the
folder, and unzip (or decompress) the file.
Follow the instructions in Banana_Navigator/Navigation.ipynb
to get started with training your own agent!
Deep Q-network rolling standard deviation and rolling mean reward graph
Double Deep Q-network rolling standard deviation and rolling mean reward graph
DQN vs DDQN stability in rewards over 1500 episodes