#Cheat Sheet
##Selenium and Ruby
Gem install selenium-webdriver
how to use it
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
After window has popped up
driver.get "http://google.com"
to find an element
element = driver.find_element name: "q"
element.send_keys "Hello!"
get driver title
Check the title of the page sstarts with "hello"
driver.title.downcase.start_with? "hello!"
to quit
reset driver
driver = nil
###more commands browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
sends you to another browser
browser.navigate.to "www.example.co.uk"
get page source
browser.page_source.match /Hello/
execute some javascript
browser.execute_script "alert('Hello');"
browser.manage.methods - Object.new.methods
finding elements
a = browser.find_element({name: "textarea"}) - find the box with the name textarea. You dont need the parenthesis
a = browser.find_element name: "textarea"
finding CSS selectors
browser.find_element css: "ul.navigation li"
to find something witout a name
a = browser.find_element tagname ".pageheader p"
using xpath
a = browser.find_element xpath "//h2[@class='someclass'"
browser.find_elements tagname: "p" - will return array of all tagnames on page
browser.find_elements(css: "p").size #getS how many i think
property methods
lets assume
a = browser.find_element name: "searchbox"
a.size #gets the size
a.displayed? #is it displayed?
a.attribute "tabindex"
a.attribute "type"
a.attribute "value" #whats inside
a.selected? #if a certain checkbox has been ticked
a.submit #can be called on any input element when submitting a form, the equivalent to pressing enter
wait = Selenium::WebDriver::Wait.new(timeout:51) #wait until a page is fully loaded
a = wait.until {browser.find_element(tag_name: "h1")}
options = a.find_elements(tag_name: "option")
options.each {|o| o.click if o.text == "Choice }