A project developed for the course "Open Access and Digital Ethics" of the University of Bologna.
Bars Behind Bars delves into the phenomenon of suicides in European prisons by taking into consideration judicial, social and governmental factors such as perceived national corruption, living conditions in jail and the State expenditure in public order and safety. This project aims to highlight meaningful connections and compare similar values across 20 European countries and during the span of 5 years (2016 - 2020), in order to reflect upon the societal motivations behind deaths in prison.
The process lead from the choice of the datasets along with their ethical, technological, legal, and qualitative analyses, to the visualisation of the results and the computation of correlation coefifiecients to assess meaningful relationships between the involved variables. The creation of mashup dataset for the project's purposes has been followed by the RDF assertion of the metadata related to theboth the datasets and tha catalogue containing them. This process has been performed respecting FAIR principles, employing the common European data model DCAT_AP 2.0.0 integrated by the use of PROV-O for specifying the derivation of the entities (datasets) this project deals with.
Each dataset, the catalogue, and the website as well have been published under a Creative Commons license (CC-BY 4.0) following European Commission recommendations and best practices for the re-use of content and data.
Project conclusions has not the aim of replacing any accurate statistical study. Privacy and other ethically relevant issues have been chechek before publishing the project, whose only objective is to provide a documentation for an ideal workflow in the Open Access and Digital Ethics Domain.
For more information consult the website and the documentation.
- Manu Srivastava: Project ideation — Data cleaning - Mashup datasets — RDF assertion of the metadata — Website development
- Francesca Budel: Project ideation — Data retrieval — Data cleaning - Ethical analysis — Legal analysis — Visualizations
- Tommaso Battisti: Project ideation — Data retrieval — Data cleaning - Technical analysis — Legal analysis — RDF assertion of the metadata — Website development