Convert your JUnit 4 tests into JUnit 5 Jupiter with the simple contextual converter to help convert your tests with ease.
In development. More features to come.
Feature: initial Mockito (MockitoExtension) support
Feature: generation of @DisplayName also for test classes
Opinionated change: applying converter only to tests ending with *
Updated library dependencies
Fixed bug with first argument should be a String in order to be placed last in function parameters
Updated library dependencies
@Test with parameters ⇒ your code will be wrapped with analogues functions in JUnit 5
@BeforeClass / @AfterClass ⇒ @BeforeAll / @AfterAll
@Before / @After ⇒ @BeforeEach / @AfterEach
@Ignore with a comment ⇒ @Disabled with the same comment
Exchanges Assert / Assume with Assertions / Assumptions functions
Message argument parameter (for example, for "assertFalse") when it is not a String, it won’t be pushed last.
Please see LICENSE file.