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Topcoder Self Service Micro Frontend App


NOTE: As of PROD-2194, this repo will obsolete.

All requests to this app should be redirected to the new platform ui.

If for some bizarre reason you need to run this repo, you can replace the root.component.jsx with the root.component.jsx.bak, and it will work normally.


This is a single-spa React microapp that runs within the mfe-core frame application.

NOTE: This application has been configured to be run as child app of a single-spa application. So while this app can be deployed and run independently, we would need some frame single-spa which would load it. While technically we can achieve running this app as standalone app it's strongly not recommended by the author of the single-spa approch, see this GitHub Issue for details.

NOTE: To successfully run this application, you must also run the two following apps: mfe-core & mfe-header. Please see their corresponding README's for instructions on running each app.


Following are the list of sections in this document,

Local Environment Setup


Use the VS Code IDE for MFE development.


Use the node version manager nvm to easily and safely manage the required version of NodeJS (aka, node). Download and install it per the instructions for your development operating system. Installing a version of node via nvm will also install npm.

Once nvm is installed, run:

$ nvm install <insert node version>

At the root of the project directory you'll notice a file called .nvmrc which specifies the node version used by the project. The command nvm use will use the version specified in the file if no version is supplied on the command line. See the nvm Github README for more information on setting this up.

NOTE: The minimum node version required is 10.22.1 and the current node version mentioned in the .nvmrc is 16.15.0

You can verify the versions of nvm, node, and npm using the commands below.

Command Supported Version
$ npm -v 6.14.6
$ node -v v10.22.1
$ nvm --version 0.39.1
$ nvm current v10.22.1


You will need to add the following line to your hosts file. The hosts file is normally located at /etc/hosts (Mac). Do not overwrite the existing localhost entry also pointing to

The MFE can run in a non-ssl environment, but auth0 will complain and throw errors. In order to bypass this, you will need to install local-ssl-proxy to run the site in ssl. The following command will install it globally:

$ npm i -g local-ssl-proxy

Set up mfe-core

You can find the mfe-core github repository here. The MFE Core renders the landing page and the top navigation. Each app then runs within that core frame.

The Frame project consists of an API that manages environment configuration and a client that renders the index.html page. Both are required.


  1. Run the Frame API

npm run start-server

  1. Run the Frame Client

npm run start-client


  1. Run the Frame API
  export APPMODE="development"
  export APPENV="local-multi"
  nvm use
  npm i
  npm run local-server
  1. Run the Frame Client
  export APPMODE="development"
  export APPENV="local-multi"
  nvm use
  npm run local-client

Set up mfe-header

You can find the mfe-header github repository here.


  1. Run the Navbar app

npm run start-local

The site should now be available at

  1. Run the SSL Proxy to port 8080

npm run start-local-proxy

The site should now be available at


  1. Render the Navbar app
  export APPMODE="development"
  export APPENV="local"
  nvm use
  npm i
  npm run dev

The site should now be available at

  1. Set up the SSL Proxy to port 8080
  nvm use
  local-ssl-proxy -n -s 443 -t 8080

The site should now be available at

NOTE: you may have to run the local-ssl-proxy line w/elevated permissions (i.e. sudo) in order to listen to the SSL port (i.e. 443)

Terminal Configuration

The MFE Core Frame needs to run separate local server and client processes, each one in a separate terminal session. The navbar also needs to run its server in a terminal, along with the local-ssl-proxy server that will allow you to use https endpoints locally. Finally, each of the other micro front-end applications you want to run will also each run in their own terminal session.

When developing one of the micro front-end applications you will therefore have 5 terminal sessions running at the same time:

  • mfe-core server
  • mfe-core client
  • mfe-header application
  • local-ssl-proxy server
  • the MFE app you're developing

Given this complexity, it is recommended that you use a tool like iTerm2 (on Mac) or an equivalent terminal shell on Windows to make terminal management simpler. iTerm2 allows you to set up a pre-defined window layout of terminal sessions, including the directory in which the session starts. This setup, along with simple shell scripts in each project that configure and start the environment, will allow you to get your development environment up and running quickly and easily.



When working on Jira tickets, we link associated Git PRs and branches to the tickets. Use the following naming convention for branches:

[TICKET #]_short-description

e.g.: PROD-1516_work-issue

Branching strategy



We use Smart Commits to link comments and time tracking to tickets. You would enter the following as your commit message:

[TICKET #] #comment <commit message> #time <jira-formatted time>

e.g.: PLAT-001 #comment adding readme notes #time 45m

Local Deployment

To run the app locally, run the following command from the project root ./mfe-customer-work:


$ npm run start-local


Copy the contents of the Bash script and paste them in the Command Prompt.

The Self-Service app should now be available at

NOTE: To successfully run this application, you must also run the two following apps: mfe-core & mfe-header. Please see their corresponding README's for instructions on running each app.

Deployment to Production

  • npm i - install dependencies
  • npm build - build code to dist/ folder
  • Now you can host dist/ folder using any static server. For example, you may run a simple Express server by running npm start.

NPM Commands

Command Description
npm start Run server which serves production ready build from dist folder
npm start-local Run app locally in the development mode and dev config (calls on npm run dev)
npm run dev Run app in the development mode and dev config
npm run dev-https Run app in the development mode and dev config using HTTPS protocol
npm run prod Run app in the development mode and prod config
npm run build Build app for production and puts files to the dist folder, default to development mode and dev config
npm run analyze Analyze dependencies sizes and opens report in the browser
npm run lint Check code for lint errors
npm run format Format code using prettier
npm run test Run unit tests
npm run watch-tests Watch for file changes and run unit tests on changes
npm run coverage Generate test code coverage report
npm run mock-api Start the mock api which mocks Recruit api



While TSLint is technically deprecated in favor of Typescript ESLint, TSLint is still far better at linting Typescript files than ESLint. So, for the time being, TSLint will be the primary linter, but ESLint remains configured for JS/X files.

The following command will install TSLint globally:

$ npm i -g tslint typescript 

Command Line

View All Lint Errors

$npm run tslint

Fix All Auto-fixable and View All Non-fixable Lint Errors

$ npm run tslint:fix


$ npm run lint   (for JS/X files)

VS Code

VS Code has several plugins and settings that make linting easy.

Format on Save

The most useful feature is to automatically apply all lint rules any time you save a file.

  1. Code → Preferences → Settings

  2. Search for “save” to find the setting

    • Editor: Code Actions on Save
  3. Click the “Edit in settings.json” link

  4. Add the following config:

        "editor.formatOnSave": true,
        "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
            "source.fixAll.tslint": true,

TSLint Plugin

Created by Microsoft, this plugin will allow you to see lint errors in the Problems panel.

WARNING: Other lint plugins can interfere with TSLint, so it is recommended that you uninstall/disable all other lint plugins (e.g. ESLint, Prettier, etc).


The self service project is currently migrated from javascript to typescript. That's why in the root of the repository there are two source folders(src and src-ts). During the build process all the typescript is transpiled to javascript and entire apps is converted to single javascript file by single-spa.


We use Sass for styling, which is a preprocessor scripting language that compiles to CSS and allows for the use of variables, nested rules, mixins, functions, etc.

Variables can be used to store any CSS value that you want to reuse throughout your stylesheets. Variables are prefixed with the $ symbol.

e.g. styles.scss

$primary-color: #333;

body {
  color: $primary-color;

Mixins let you create groups of CSS declarations that you want to reuse throughout your site. You can also pass in values to make your mixin more flexible, and you call them using @include.

e.g. styles.scss

@mixin theme($theme: DarkGray) {
  background: $theme;
  color: #fff;

.info {
  @include theme;
.alert {
  @include theme($theme: DarkRed);

Shared stylesheets are located in src-ts/lib/styles/. We use variables and mixins for handling padding, colors and breakpoints in the application, among others. To reference these in your SCSS files, simply add the following line at the top of your file.

@import '[path to]/lib/styles';


Colors are defined as variables in src-ts/lib/styles/_palette.scss.


Padding for various screen sizes are defined as variables in src-ts/lib/styles/_layout.scss. This file also contains a mixin called pagePaddings that determines the correct padding to use for the current screen size based on breakpoints.


Breakpoint mixins are defined in src-ts/lib/styles/_breakpoints.scss and can be used to apply different styling based on the screen width.

Here is an example that applies a different height value than the default to a css class selector if the screen is considered small (376px - 464px).


$sm-min: 376px;
$sm-max: 464px;

@mixin sm {
  @media (min-width: #{$sm-min}) and (max-width: #{$sm-max}){


@import '../lib/styles';

.example {
  height: 100px;
  @include sm {
    height: 50px;



We use the SVG icons library Heroicons, where each icon is available in an outline or solid version. We import both sets of icons in the file src-ts/lib/svgs/index.ts.

import * as IconOutline from '@heroicons/react/outline'
import * as IconSolid from '@heroicons/react/solid'

Then, to use an icon from either of these sets, you would import the corresponding set into your JSX file and reference the icon of your choice as a component:


<IconOutline.InformationCircleIcon width={28} height={28} />

Custom SVGs

Custom SVGs can also be imported and used directly as a React component. Save your SVG in its own file within src-ts/lib/svgs, and then import the SVG within src-ts/lib/svgs/index.ts as a component.

import { ReactComponent as CustomSVG } from './customSvg.svg'

Styling Icons

You can style an SVG icon by overwritting its properties through CSS (height, width, fill, etc.). There are also existing mixins located in src-ts/lib/styles/_icons.scss with pre-defined widths and heights for various icon sizes.


.logo-link {
    svg {
        width: calc($pad-xxl + $pad-xxxxl);
        height: $pad-xl;
        fill: none;

        path {
            fill: $tc-white;

.no-logo-link {
    svg {
      @include icon-lg;


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