Repo with code related to investigation of the zeta-3 problem. The starting point of our research are the following two results:
The second is a standard result, and the first follows from investigating the sum (Putnam 1977):
Wishful thinking would give the (incorrect) result:
Which would immediately yield:
Which is incorrect, as
This AoPS post has an interesting idea of applying Euler's original method, seems worth digging into a bit more. He gets the Weierstrass factorisation wrong, when you do it correctly you get
So a product of sine functions will lead us to find even values of the zeta function, but not odd values, incidentally, this is exactly why this problem is hard for odd values. Wishful thinking and bad factorisation would suggest that since the roots of
and then consider
and then a lot of l'Hôpital's rule and the tricks in these lecture notes (proof 1) should have been enough.
We can play a similar game with the factorisation of the inverse-Gamma function, and get an expression for
The Weierstrass factorisation of interest is:
Now we can introduce three gamma functions and consider the factorisation of this:
And we have:
This is interesting because we can set
So we set
This is starting to look promising. Now divide by
and differentiate w.r.t
finally we reach our expression by dividing by
Can we evaluate this limit?
One confusing thing about this approach is that
This is an interesting approach along similar lines, he gets a good approximation for zeta(3).
Ok maybe that's why this doesn't work... (?)
One interesting thing to notice,
The current best approximation to Apéry's constant is good to 21 digits, as quoted on MathWorld.
The first approximation (accurate to 1 decimal point) that we got from the Putnam product suggests adding log(3/2) to the search vector in this approach, this actually improves distance from
However adding
This is cool, looks like we beat the record, although of course there was no big insight that led to this. But tbf the current record holder also didn't have massive insight either (I guess his insight was to use PSQL?).