A pre-to-post processing python package designed to allow users to setup, simulate, and analyze TIN-based Real-time Integrated Basin Simulator (tRIBS) model runs through a python interface. Note this packages is currently under development and is subject to further changes. Additionally, much of the functionality here has had limited testing, consequently responsibility is on the user to verify package functionality.
pytRIBS documentation is available here.
A full tRIBS model setup, simulation, and analysis is provided here.
- Downloading NLDAS-2 data is limited to a year or two, otherwise NaNs are introduced. This attribute to the pynldas-2 library, but w
PytRIBS uses semantic versioning. Currently, we are in the initial development phase--anything MAY change at any time and this package SHOULD NOT be considered stable.
- fixed bug in reading landuse table (can only use for model or land class though)
- Added in unsupervised classification function for NAIP image and Tree hieght rasters in Land Class
- Finalized Mesh Class, with dependence on a Preprocessing Class (DEM and GIS analysis) and MeshGeneration Class
- Model class can be initialized with combination of Met, Soil, Land, and Mesh classes as well as an input file
- Soil workflow update: input is now shapely polygon, not geopandas geodataframe
- Added in function to find centroid of watershed
- Updated docker workflows for both tRIBS and MeshBuilder
- Added in build and source code for read the docs--needs fine-tuning
- added in functionality for met class, can now download and subset NLDAS-2 data with watershed shapefile
- changed key_word in Model.options dictionary to keyword
- Updated Met Class including methods to download and merge NLDAS-2 data.
- Changed waterbalance clacs to use ThetaS instead of porosity following tRIBS
- Converted geo to meta, and added Meta class.
- Added new function in read.py to read in *_Outlet.qout files
- Removed tmodel/tresults, replaced with classes
- added new classes Soil, Mesh, Met, Land
- renamed mixins folder to shared
- created results/visualize.py
- created soil/soil.py --moved soil related content from preprocess to here.
- updated create_soil_map to return a soil table in .sdt format.
- updated read/write soil tables to include options for including texture.
This minor update includes:
- updates to the infile_mixin, with updates for model documentation
- addition of Paul Tol's colormaps (https://personal.sron.nl/~pault/)
- In shared mixin:
- added processor # to the attribute voronoi
- added plot_mesh()
- fixed other syntax bugs
- model.inout.py
- added read added write_point_file()
- fixed syntax bugs in several functions
- Fixed several bugs in preporcess.py and waterbalance.py
- Added create_animation() to Results()