#Puppet Vagrant
This vagrant file and configs are to be used with Adrien Thebo's Vagrant Oscar plugin. Documentation of Oscar can be found here:
- https://github.com/adrienthebo/oscar
- https://github.com/adrienthebo/vagrant-pe_build
- https://github.com/adrienthebo/vagrant-config_builder
- https://github.com/adrienthebo/vagrant-auto_network
- Virtualbox
- Install Vagrant
- Install Vagrant Oscar plugin
- tar.gz of a Puppet Enterprise installer
##Getting Started: This will be performed on your Windows machine.
git clone https://github.com/travmi/puppet-vagrant
cd puppet-vagrant
vagrant up
You should have 2 VMs - master,agent
If you receive an error on the agent then you can install puppet agent manually
curl -k https://puppet.wcw.local:8140/packages/current/install.bash | sudo bash
You will need to edit /etc/hosts to verify entries to either vm in order for puppet to work
vi /etc/hosts
puppet agent --test --debug
Check the IP of your master - eth1 should be accesible via your web browser which gives you access to the Enterprise console https://
##Recover the Puppet Enterprise Console Password for Puppet Enterprise 3.3.1:
cd /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard
sudo /opt/puppet/bin/bundle exec /opt/puppet/bin/rake -s -f /opt/puppet/share/console-auth/Rakefile db:create_user USERNAME=admin@example.com PASSWORD=123456 ROLE="Admin" RAILS_ENV=production
username: admin@example.com password: 123456
##Puppet Enterprise 3.7 password reset:
q_puppet_enterpriseconsole_auth_password=newpassword q_puppetagent_certname=$(puppet config print certname) /opt/puppet/bin/ruby u\pdate-superuser-password.rb
username: admin password: newpassword
##Setup the correct time for the Puppet Console Dashboard
[root@puppet ~]# cd /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard/config
[root@puppet config]# vi settings.yml
time_zone: 'Central Time (US & Canada)'
[root@puppet config]# service pe-puppet-dashboard-workers restart
##Configure R10K for Environments:
puppet module install zack/r10k
###Create a .pp file to install and configure R10K:
class { 'r10k':
version => '1.3.2',
sources => {
'puppet' => {
'remote' => 'git@bitbucket.org:travmi/puppet-control.git',
'basedir' => "${::settings::confdir}/environments",
'prefix' => false,
'hiera' => {
'remote' => 'git@bitbucket.org:travmi/hiera-control.git',
'basedir' => "${::settings::confdir}/hiera",
'prefix' => false,
purgedirs => ["${::settings::confdir}/environments"],
manage_modulepath => false,
modulepath => "${::settings::confdir}/environments/\$environment/modules:/opt/puppet/share/puppet/modules",
puppet apply install.pp
Verify /etc/r10k.yaml is configured properly
Create the environments and hiera folder and configure Puppet to use it. Change owner permissions on environments and hiera directories. If this is not done you will get an error: Could not find data item classes in any Hiera data file and no default supplied You will also need to check your facts on the agent to verify fqdn or hostname is there. If it is not you need to update hiera.yaml respectively. chown -R root:pe-puppet /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments chown -R root:pe-puppet /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera
configure puppet.conf
environmentpath = $confdir/environments
basemodulepath = /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules:/opt/puppet/share/puppet/modules
configure /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml
- json
- "node/%{fqdn}"
- "environment/%{environment}"
- global
:datadir: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera/%{environment}/
service pe-puppet restart
##Create Bash Alias for R10k
# vi /root/.bashrc
alias r10k='/opt/puppet/bin/r10k'
create ssh keys on your new puppet master and add them to your bitbucket/github account ssh-keygen -t rsa chmod 700 /root/.ssh chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa restart sshd after creating/adding keys
verifying ssh - ssh -vT git@bitbucket.org verifying ssh - ssh -vT git@github.com
Tweaks to /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
Intall the augeas module on the master: // install augeasproviders first on master then perfrom the agent run on master and restart master puppet module install example42/puppi puppet module install puppetlabs/mount_providers --force
puppet master --configprint libdir run the agent on the master puppet agent --test --debug
restart puppet master service pe-puppet restart
change the environment on the agent restart the puppet agent
install ruby-augeas yum install ruby-augeas
change hostname on site.pp for file bucket
restart pe-puppet on master
Found a problem with Apache module (init.pp) ::fqdn does not exist on the agent. Had to change to ::hostname.
Problem with mounttab provider - error given "augeas" provider not a provider.
Need resource collectors in place to apply repos before packages. Epel, NGINX, Webtatic
Found out that fqdn does not show up until /etc/resolv.conf is filled out by puppet. Need to look into this
#Contributing: Please fork and pull Mike Travis