The Python script
copies the tag of a .mp3 file to a .flac file
- It takes two arguments: The source (.mp3) file and the target (.flac) file, e.g.
$ myOldLowQuality.mp3 myNewLosslessQuality.flac
- Python 3.6 or above
- Installed "mutagen" library (
The Bash script
copies the mp3 tags of all files of one directory to all flac files of another directory!
- It calls/uses
On your console you must be in the directory that contains the .flac files which audio tags are to be updated. Maybe you must first navigate into it:
$ cd <directory_with_flac_files>`
Then you can execute the script with:
$ <source_directory> [-t]
The source directory is the directory with the .mp3 files which audio tags are to be copied.
You can set option -t
to execute the script in test mode - then it will only do some printouts but will not save anything.