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The Gen3 Release Orchestrator


Image by cromaconceptovisual from Pixabay


This new tool should help us achieve a fully-automated hands-free Gen3 release. We need to eliminate “toil” from our day-to-day tasks so we can focus on project-specific tasks, maintenance of our CI/CD pipelines, expansion of the Gen3-QA framework, test coverage and innovation.

Manual and repetitive work is boring and error-prone, as software engineers, we can do better than this.

API documentation is available here


This new tool (THOR) has the following features:

  • RESTful API to start the release flow and track the status of each step
  • Coordinate each and every step of the Gen3 Release by working with:
    • The Jenkins API (kicking off Jenkins jobs and tracking its results)
    • Executing gen3-release-utils scripts & the gen3release-sdk CLI
    • Interacting with JIRA and Slack APIs
  • Provide FULL transparency to the Gen3 Release process through a friendly GUI that should help any Project Manager (PM) observe the progress of the releases throughout the environments they own.
  • Facilitate parameterization of our release automation and make it more flexible (e.g., change cadence / time-frame between releases).
  • Slack notifications posting to communicate release status publicly

Architectural diagrams


Image by Colin Yao

How to run Thor

Create the database

psql -U postgres -c "create database thor_test_tmp"

Create tables and test data

poetry run python src/thor/

You should see something like:

% psql -U postgres
psql (13.3)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \c thor_test_tmp;
You are now connected to database "thor_test_tmp" as user "postgres".
thor_test_tmp=# \dt;
          List of relations
 Schema |   Name   | Type  |  Owner
 public | releases | table | postgres
 public | tasks    | table | postgres

thor_test_tmp=# select * from releases;
 id | version |   result
  3 | 2021.09 | In Progress
  4 | 2021.07 | Completed
(2 rows)

How to test

poetry run pytest -vv -s tests

Start the FastAPI web server

poetry run gunicorn thor.main:app -b -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --reload

Local development with Docker

## Launch the containers

docker compose up -d

Create the database

docker exec -it postgres psql -U postgres -c "create database thor_test_tmp"

Create tables and test data

docker exec -it thor /env/bin/python src/thor/

Thor API is then available at http://localhost:8001