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Peter Powers edited this page Jul 12, 2019 · 39 revisions

A config.json file resides at the root of every source model.

This file supplies model initialization and default calculation configuration parameters; see the examples directory, or any USGS model, for examples.

The file must be composed of well-formed JSON. Why JSON?

Model Initialization Parameters

Model initialization parameters must be supplied; there are no default values. In addition, these parameters may not be overridden once a model has been initialized in memory. However, one can configure parts of a model differently, for example.

Parameter Type Notes
   .name String
   .surfaceSpacing Double (in km)
   .ruptureFloating String RuptureFloating
   .ruptureVariability Boolean
   .pointSourceType String PointSourceType
   .areaGridScaling String AreaSource.GridScaling

Calculation Configuration Parameters

Calculation configuration parameters are optional (i.e. defaults are used for missing values) and overridable. Please see building and running and the examples for details on how to override a calculation configuration.

Parameter Type Default Notes
   .exceedanceModel String TRUNCATION_UPPER_ONLY ExceedanceModel
   .truncationLevel Double 3.0
   .imts String[] [ PGA, SAOP2, SA1P0 ] Imt
   .defaultImls Double[] PGA, SA = [ 0.0025, 0.0045, 0.0075, 0.0113, 0.0169, 0.0253, 0.0380, 0.0570, 0.0854, 0.128, 0.192, 0.288, 0.432, 0.649, 0.973, 1.46, 2.19, 3.28, 4.92, 7.38 ]

PGV = [ 0.0100, 0.0177, 0.0312, 0.0552, 0.0976, 0.173, 0.305, 0.539, 0.953, 1.68, 2.98, 5.26, 9.30, 16.4, 29.1, 51.3, 90.8, 160, 284, 501 ]
   .customImls Map<String, Double[]> empty example
   .gmmUncertainty Boolean false 1️⃣
   .valueFormat String ANNUAL_RATE ValueFormat
deagg 2️⃣
   .bins Object
   .contributorLimit Double 0.1
   .bins Object 3️⃣
   .distance Double 20 km
   .distributionFormat String INCREMENTAL DistributionFormat
   .timespan Double 30 years
   .valueFormat String ValueFormat
   .vs30 Double 760.0 Site
   .vsInferred Boolean true
   .z1p0 Double null or NaN 4️⃣
   .z2p5 Double null or NaN 4️⃣
   .directory String hazout
   .dataTypes String[] [ TOTAL ] DataType
   .optimizeGrids Boolean true 6️⃣
   .collapseMfds Boolean true 7️⃣
   .systemPartition Integer 1000 8️⃣
   .threadCount String ALL ThreadCount
1️⃣ hazard.gmmUncertainty

If values for additional epistemic uncertainty on ground motion have been defined, this value en/disables this feature.

2️⃣ deagg

The deagg.bins field is mapped to a data container that specifies the following default ranges and intervals for distance, magnitude, and epsilon binning:

"bins": {
    "rMin": 0.0,
    "rMax": 200.0,
    "Δr": 10.0,
    "mMin": 5.0,
    "mMax": 8.4,
    "Δm": 0.2,
    "εMin": -3.0,
    "εMax": 3.0,
    "Δε": 0.5

The bins object must be fully specified; partial overrides do not apply to nested JSON objects.

contributorLimit specifies the cutoff (in %) below which contributing sources are not listed in deaggregation results.

3️⃣ rate.bins

The rate.bins field is mapped to a data container that specifies the following default magnitude binning range and interval:

"bins": {
    "mMin": 4.2,
    "mMax": 9.4,
    "Δm": 0.1

The bins object must be fully specified; partial overrides do not apply to nested JSON objects.

4️⃣ site.z1p0, site.z2p5

Basin terms may be specified as null or NaN (both unquoted). null is preferred as NaN does not conform to the JSON spec. When trying to override default values, however, a null term will be ignored whereas NaN will override any existing value.

5️⃣ output.flushLimit

The number of results to write at a time. More memory is required for higher limits.

6️⃣ performance.optimizeGrids

Grid optimizations are currently implemented for any non-fixed strike grid source. For any site, rates across all azimuths are aggregated in tables of distance and magnitude.

7️⃣ performance.collapseMfds

Some magnitude-frequency distribution logic-trees can be combined. This is currently always true.

8️⃣ performance.systemPartition

The number of ruptures in a fault-system source to process concurrently.

Why Use JSON?

Whereas sources are defined using XML, configuration files use JSON. Although one or the other formats could be used exclusively, each has unique characteristics and benefits. For instance, for long files, XML is somewhat more readable than JSON. It also permits comments inline, whereas JSON does not. Java has a built in support for writing highly performant XML parsers, and as there is not a 1:1 relationship between source model XML and resultant Java objects in nshmp-haz, it is a bit easier to work with. XML also permits a formal structure to be imposed, and although XML schema are not presently used, they may be in the future.

JSON, on the other hand, is a very simple data exchange format designed with the web in mind. The values that govern calculation settings are most likely to be exposed via web services and the job of exchanging such data is much more straightforward using a format that maps natively to Javascript objects.

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