- Requires:
- Python 3.5
- Selenium
- Beautiful-Soup 4
- Usage:
python3 main.py <malware_name>
Generates a csv file with Titles and Blog posts from Symantec website
- Requires:
Malware Information extractor:
- Requires:
- Java 1.8
- practNLPTools
Get the directory practnlpools from GitHub and put it inside this projects python directory.
- Usage:
- Compile the java code:
javac -cp required_jars\* src\cse576\ExtractDateCVEfromReport.java -d .\
- Run the code:
java -cp ".;.\required_jars\*" cse576.ExtractDateCVEfromReport <malware_name>
- Read the output file: program_output.output
- Compile the java code:
- Requires:
The Scrapper (part 1) and the Information Extractor (part 2) are combined in the batch file.
So, running the batch file alone will excute the above 2 parts
MalwareFamilyAnalysis.bat <malware_name>