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A repository for storing information about building a Streaming Back-End


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Welcome to Streaming Back-End

This document provides a recipe for creating your own Streaming Back-End.

Shortcut: instructions for most basic setup.

Shortcut: skip to instructions for building from source

Or, to learn a little more first, read on :)


A Streaming Back-End is all you need to stream Audio / Video (A/V) content.

It is optimised for streaming live content (e.g. from camera / microphone), and can also handle streaming pre-produced A/V content from disk.

Disclaimer: by design, the Streaming Back-End will not record content being streamed. If you are streaming live content, you must record at source in order to guarantee it will be recorded.

If you are a seasoned devOps professional, you may wish to use these instructions to build a Streaming Back-End. Also, you can used these systemd setup instructions, and these Streaming Back-End upgrade instructions.

What is a Streaming Back-End?

Streaming Back-End is an open-source, free-to-use, server-based digital Audio / Video (A/V) content streaming platform.

Anyone on the internet can:

  • publish A/V content to the Streaming Back-End
    • via RTMP
  • consume A/V content from the Streaming Back-End
    • via HLS over HTTP.


A Streaming Back-End will maximise the accessibility of streaming content. It does this by "shrinking" (= transcoding) A/V content into "lighter" formats. These "lighter" formats have the following advantages for consumers of A/V content:

  • Faster load time - the stream starts straight away, because less data is required (up to 900x less)
  • Works on slower internet connections - due to less data required to be received (e.g. can work on 2G, 3G, 3.5G)
  • Works on older devices - as it requires less power to play back content (e.g. on old smartphones)

Installation and Testing

What you will need

To operate a Streaming Back-End, you will need:

  • A Linux* server

    • 1 CPU and 2GB RAM is enough to start with. Can be on localhost or VPS.
    • Ports 22, 1935 and 8935 accepting inbound TCP connections from the internet
    • Install FFmpeg, screen and curl with sudo apt install ffmpeg screen curl
  • Some basic command line skills

    • SSH, screen, other general commands

If you don't have a Linux server, here is some advice about getting a server.

*can also work on a Mac, but these instructions are focussed towards Linux

Build the platform

This sections helps you to build the platform.


Build instructions

  • SSH to your server

  • Download and unzip Livepeer:

tar -xzf livepeer-linux-amd64.tar.gz

Note, if you are trying this on MacOS, use livepeer-darwin-amd64.tar.gz.

  • Run the following command to attach a new screen:
screen -DR O

(O is for "Orchestrator")

  • Run the following command in the O screen:
./livepeer-linux-amd64/livepeer \
     -orchestrator \
     -serviceAddr \
     -cliAddr \
     -httpAddr \
     -orchSecret secret \
     -v 99
  • Ctrl-A-D on your keyboard to exit the O screen

    • Hold down Ctrl then hold down A then hold down D, then release.
  • Run the following command to attach a new screen

screen -DR T

(T is for "Transcoder")

  • Run the following command in the T screen:
./livepeer-linux-amd64/livepeer \
     -transcoder \
     -orchAddr \
     -orchSecret secret -v 99 \
     -cliAddr \
     -httpAddr \
  • Hold ctrl-A-D to exit the T screen

  • Run the following command to attach a new screen

screen -DR B

(B is for "Broadcaster")

  • Run the following command in the B screen:
./livepeer-linux-amd64/livepeer \
     -broadcaster \
     -currentManifest \
     -rtmpAddr \
     -httpAddr \
     -orchAddr \
     -transcodingOptions P144p30fps16x9 \
     -cliAddr \
     -v 99

Note: you can remove access for publishing remotely by instead running the above command with -rtmpAddr instead of -rtmpAddr

  • ctrl-A-D to exit the B screen

  • Run the following command to attach a new screen

screen -DR P

(P is for "Publisher")

  • Run the following command in the P screen:
ffmpeg \
     -re \
     -f lavfi \
     -i testsrc=size=640x480:rate=30,format=yuv420p \
     -f lavfi \
     -i sine \
     -threads 1 \
     -c:v libx264 \
     -b:v 10000k \
     -preset ultrafast \
     -x264-params keyint=30 \
     -strict \
     -2 \
     -c:a aac \
     -f flv rtmp://

Note: if the process in the B screen is stopped, this process will also stop and will need to be restarted. Note: you can change hello_world to your own choice of stream ID. Note: you can re-enter any screen by running e.g. screen -DR O to re-enter the Orchestrator screen.

Test suite

The test suite for this platform is to run the following command on the server.

curl Note: If you are using your own choice of stream ID, you must replace hello_world with your stream ID.

Test pass: if you see something like this, it will mean that your Streaming Back-End is running:


Test fail: if you do not see something like that...

Further reading

You can now learn how to upgrade your Streaming Back-End to the latest version of Livepeer.

You can also learn how to set your Streaming Back-End to run on server startup

You can learn more about the architecture of a Streaming Back-End.

You can learn how to publish more interesting content onto a Streaming Back-End.

You can contribute to the current roadmap for evolving Streaming Back-End.

videoDAC Test Signal

Important Note

If you open this URL in a Desktop browser, it may prompt you to download a .m3u8 file if your browser does not support native .hls streams.

In this case, use a different option to play the test signal, from the options below.

Test Signal

There is a test signal maintained by the videoDAC community on Telegram at the following URL:

This URL is a stream of hls video segments (.hs files), packaged in a .m3u8 wrapper served over http over IPv4.

This video stream can be viewed at, which contains a hls.js javascript player, served as html from IPFS, using ENS namespace.

The URL can also be played back on any device with network access, using ffplay, in VLC Player on Mobile and Desktop, or in Chromium-based and Firefox-based browsers on Mobile (alas not on Desktop, at least, not yet).

About Streaming Back-End

A Streaming Back-End is the backbone of Your Own Streaming Platform:

Screenshot from 2020-03-15 17-33-55

Streaming Back-End is a Video DAC project, part of Livepeer project on Ethereum.

You can donate to Streaming Back-End at 0xdac817294c0c87ca4fa1895ef4b972eade99f2fd.


A repository for storing information about building a Streaming Back-End







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