ddoSutil is a project aimed at dealing with ddos attacks on Linux systems. Since many ddos attacks differ in complexity, the objective is to provide a variety of utilities to deal with different types of attacks.
Created to be as portable as possible without requirements, developed mostly in bash (with a until or two in Perl). Tested on CentOS and Debian should function with no or minimal effort on most Linux distributions.
Actively maintained please submit issues, feedback and suggestions; or e-mail russ -at- vigeek.net
Either clone or download as zip from github and extract to desired directory. Set the scripts as executable (e.g: chmod +x ddosutil.sh).
In the root of the directory is ddosutil.sh this applies a blanket approach on the system by building a firewall, block lists, TCP stack adjustments, queue changes, connection limiting and so fourth. To use ddosutil.sh simply edit the configuration file ddosutil.conf then run ./ddosutil.sh the results will be output.
Also included are 6 utilities, each with a different purpose. Each utility has a configuration file in utils/conf/ or they may be ran supplying -h for help and general usage (e.g. ./ddosutil.geoip.sh -h)
- ddoSutil-geoip.sh
- Block specific countries completely.
- Countries can be blocked quickly with just a single command.
- Many configurable options.
- ddoSutil-gpblock.sh
- Some ddos attacks make GET/PUT requests to invalid URLs. This will…
- Build block lists based on requests made to apache and actively drop the offending IPs.
- Configurable, ability to control how many requests per offending IP to resource, allowed.
- ddoSutil-nstat.sh
- Shows information helpful to determine the help type of attack.
- ddoSutil-mySQLrecover.pl
- Some DDOS attacks can overload a database with expensive queries.
- This tool allows you to actively kill slow expensive queries. Alleviating DB load.
- Configurable, ability to control after how many seconds should a query be killed.
- ddoSutil-harden.sh
- no longer maintained most replaced and functions improved in ddosutil.sh
- Implements general sysctl tweaks to help deal with attacks.
- ddoSutil-logblockd.pl [In progress]
- Daemon automatically monitors apache/nginx logs.
- Actively blocks IP addresses making specific requests (.e.g.: invalid URLs)
- ddoSutil-deflated.pl [In progress]
- Daemon automatically monitors active connections.
- Actively blocks IP addresses with high connection counts.
- Actively blocks IP addresses making frequent connections.
GPL v3
Russ Thompson ( Russ -at - vigeek.net)