Creating three Linux Kernel system calls.
Linux kernel version:5.8.1
從 init_task
開始遍歷 task_list 至指定 task,傳出指定資料至指定記憶體段。
Question 1
write a new system so that a process can use it to get the physical addresses of some virtual addresses.
int my_get_physical_addresses(unsigned int * initial, int len_vir, unsigned int * result, int len_phy)
The return value of this system call is either 0 or a positive value. 0 means that an error occurs when executing this system call. A positive value means the system call is executed successfully.
The first argument of this system call is the address of an unsigned integer array. Each element of the array stores a virtual address of a process.
The second argument of this system call is the number of elements in the array.
The third argument is the address of an unsigned integer array. Each element with index i of this array stores the physical address of the virtual address stored as element i in the array pointed by the first argument.
The fourth argument is the number of elements stored in the array pointed by the third argument.
實作一個 system call ,功能是將複數個 virtual address 轉為 physical address ,並利用這個 system call 來檢查不同的 thread/process 的哪些 segment 會共用 memory。
Question 2
Write a multi-thread program with three threads using the new system call to show how the following memory areas are shared by these threads. Your program must use variables with storage class __thread. The memory areas include code segments, data segments, BSS segments, heap segments, libraries, stack segments, and thread local storages. You need to draw a figure as follows to show your results.
找出在同個程式中,不同 thread 所共用的 segment。
Question 1
Write a new system call
int get_number_of_context_switches(unsigned int *)
so that a process can use it to get the number of context switches the scheduler makes upon it. If get_number_of_context_switches(unsigned int *) executes successfully, it returns 0; otherwise, it returns a negative value. -
計算 context 的次數
Question 2
Write a new system call
int get_number_of_entering_a_wait_queue(unsigned int *)
so that a process can use it to get the number of its entering a wait queue. If get_number_of_entering_a_wait_queue(unsigned int *) executes successfully, it returns 0; otherwise, it returns a negative value. -
進入waiting queue 的次數