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VrbStarterKit is an utility library for the development of PHP projects that use the HTML rendering concept. This library provides common features to make your application or website easy, and allow you to create dynamic forms, internationalization, components, and much more.


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The VrbStarterKit is a "pre implemented" project with util features for PHP projects that follow the raw PHP programming concept (PHP HTML renderization). This kit includes a collections of utilities, default patterns, configurations, and pre defined plugins. You can also find a dynamic form renderer and internationalization classes in the kit. The purpose of the kit is to facilitate our development and give it to us as a base for our projects. It is not a framework, it is just a library to help us a lot!


To start to use this kit, download or clone this repository in your project diretory. After it, turn on the server and try to access the index.php from any browser. If you get it, your kit installation is finished. If the access gets bad, or some redirect error gets occured, please check the config.php file and put the correct configuration in thepre defined keys. Try again and success! Check the section below for configuring instructions.


When you start the project, the config.php file needs to be configured according with project definitions. Some configurations as the title, key-words, responsivity, access data for database, base url, etc... need to be defined correctly. We recommend much to clone this file with production configuration (example: productionConfig.php), and change to the correct config file when the application gets up to prodution environment.


The VrbSimpleForms is a new feature introduced in the kit that allows you to configure a form data that will be used by the application to create a dynamic form. This feature was created to give you another way to create simple forms. This new version brought the files below for a specific purpose:

File Definition
configs/DynamicFormConfig.php Configuration of the auto generated forms pages
configs/DynamicListConfig.php Configuration of the auto generated list pages
pages/DynamicFormPage.php Page that will generate the form by the identifier
pages/DynamicListPage.php Page that will generate the list by the identifier
actions/DynamicFormAction.php Action that will process the data of the form (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE)

To configure a new form, you will have to create a new static function in DynamicFormConfig.php that needs to return the configuration of the form will be created. After this, you have to define this function in the main configuration method of this class, linked to some identifier (I recommend you to use the example in the class to create your own form).

public static function configuration() {
    return [
        "myForm" => self::myForm(),

private static function myForm() {
        return /* configuration */;

For each form, you can define a configuration to a list with the same identifier, in DynamicListConfig.php. To confgure it just follow the same way of the form (use the example too). To check the list and the form rendered, just open the DynamicListPage.php?id=<identifier>. Click in the INSERT button to check the form rendered too.


The TranslationUtil is responsible to translate the texts in the application that ware rendered by the function __(""). You can define your dectionaries in app/translations folder. The util will load the dictionary by the key present in IdiomEnum. To set the idiom of the application, you can use two ways:

  1. Query param: Define the idiom of the page in the query param of the access URL. Just set the idiom using page.php?idiom=en_US for example. You can change the param key in TranslationUtil if you want.
  2. Session key: Define the IDIOM key in the $_SESSION, and the util will get this key to load the dictionary, and translate the application.

NOTE: The sequece indicates the priority to set the idiom.

To create a new dictionary, you must create a file with the idiom identifier in the app/translations folder.

/* Portuguese dictionary */
define("DICTIONARY", [
    "Welcome!" => "Bem vindo!";

After it, you need to register this idiom in IdiomEnum, and that is it! If you set a query param, or the session key, the application will load your dictionary with the identifier. So now, to translate the words, just render these with the __("example") function.

<h1> <?=__("Welcome!")?> </h1>


The project uses Pascal Case for the class names and file names, and Camel Case for others identifiers. Every default PHP resources are localizated in the /app folder. To outside folders contain other kind of resources, like backups, images, etc. The /app folder is the main folder of the project. You can find some folders inside it organized by the concept of the resource. The files use a suffix to determinate its type. You can check the table below to discover the kind of the project files, and the description of these:

Suffix Location Description
Page /app/pages Application pages
Util /app/utils Utilities for the application
Service /app/services Classes with business logic
Enum /app/enums Constants collection
Action /app/actions Form actions
Ajax /app/ajax Ajax operations (Async actions)
Component /app/componentes Components and static components
Cron /app/crons Cron jobs implementations
Repository /app/repositories Database entities management
Template /app/templates Any template type (it doesn't need to have only PHP files)
Css /app/styles Cascade Stylesheets (CSS)
Js /app/scripts Scripts with algorithms (JS)
Eula /app/eulas Files with software policy
Sql /app/sqls Query language files (SQL)
Config /app/configs Configuration files (VrbSimpleForms configuration files can be found here)
Model /app/models Model and structural classes

You can create any file or change the organization of the folders if you want. It is up to you.


The util classes have default functionalities for usage in entire of application. There are different kinds of utils that can be used for specified operation. Check the table below for more details:

Util Definition
DatabaseUtil Database connection utilities
HeaderUtil HTTP header manipulation
CookieUtil Cookie manipulation utilities
DateUtil Date utilities
MailUtil Mail sender using the PHPMailer library
EventUtil Application event manipulator
HtmlUtil Utilities to manipulate or render tags, attributes, etc. for HTML files
HttpUtil HTTP POST and GET data manipulator
ImportUtil Resource importer that is used to load PHP, CSS, JS and plugins to the application
IpUtil IP address utilities
LogUtil Log utilities
SecurityUtil Security validation utilities to control the access to PHP resources
SessionUtil Session manipulation utilities
TranslationUtil Translation utilities for application strings (Internationalization)
UploadUtil Upload and directory manipulation utilities
UrlUtil Operations for redirecting and URL manipulation
PdfUtil Utilities for PDF creation with Dompdf plugin
CurlUtil Utilities to make requests using CURL lib


Any application imports are made by ImportUtil, except by specified imports. This class is responsible to import files such CSS files, JS files, PHP files, etc. It reads the application folders inside the app/ to import the files of determinated content. You can use Ignore_ key as file prefix to prevent to load this file by the import function. Below you can find the functions that are used to make the imporation:

Method Definition
importCssModules() Function to import CSS files using the tag: <link href="" />
importJsModules() Function to import JS files using the tag: <script src=""></script>
importPhpModules() Function to import PHP files using the method: require_once()

The function ImportUtil::importPhpModules() imports any PHP file from the folders /app/components, /app/enums, /app/repositories, /app/services, /app/configs, /app/utils and /app/models. The file /config.php localizated in the root will be imported too. Files that have the prefix Ignore_ will be ignored for importation.


There are two interfaces for component creation. The first one, called Component is to create components as class objects. This interface has 3 default methods. Each method is defined for a specified operation:

Method Definition
html() Render the component's html
script() Render the component's script
style() Render the component's style
render() Execute the three functions as a whole

A component is a PHP object, that has the renderization changed by the configured attributes. The example below shows how a object based component is rendered:

$component = new WelcomeComponent("VrbStarterKit");

Static Components

The second interface to create components is StaticComponent. Statics components are more basic then the object based component. There kind of components don't need to be instanciated, and to render it, you just need to call the render function. To change the state of the component, just set the parameters of the function. The empty class StaticComponent is only for definition purpose, to determinate which are the static components. Check the example bellow to see the difference of an object based component and a static component:


Check the component files in the repository for examples, if you want.


The model classes are localizated in the app/models folder. These classes just represent models of data. You can use these to follow some MVC patterns, or as database entities.

class CustomerModel {
	private $id;
	private $name;
	/* constructor */
	/* get and set */


The Repository classes are made for manipulate the entities in database. Classes of repository type usually have CRUD functions. In the functions, you can ask for a model as parameter, or ask the raw data basically. It is up to you.

class CustomerRepository {
	public static function update($id, $name) {
		$sql = "UPDATE customer SET name = '$name' WHERE id = $id";
		return DatabaseUtil::executeSql($sql);


The Service classes provides business logics for the application. This kind of class is used for encapsulating business logic in a unique class of determinated purpose. Below there is an example of a service class:

class CustomerService {
	public static function checkCustomerIsPrimary($customer) {
		/* ... */


Cron classes have just an execution method to be called by cron jobs from server or other source. The Cron interface can be used to define some class as a cron job.


The application pages follow a design pattern to organization. The structure uses the HTML5 tags <header> <main> <footer> to represent the sections of the page. The importation is localizated on the top of the page, and the script execution, on the bottom. Check the template below for an example of organization:

require_once(__DIR__ . "/../utils/ImportUtil.php");

// Page event
        HtmlUtil::title("Basic Template");
        <!-- Header -->
        <!-- Main -->
        <!-- Footer -->
        $(document).ready(function () {


Background image

The default pages of VrbStarterKit uses a background image that has been made at Check the site for more details. The library just has it for illustration and you can change it if you want.


The purpose of this project is to facilitate the applications or web sites development. This is not a framework, it is just a library to help you and to supply some common utilities. You don't need to follow the patterns, or keep the project like its initial design. Enjoy this, and create your projects faster! And thanks since now for everything!


This project was developed in Netbeans 12.0 IDE, using PHP language. The XAMPP environment was used for the application. As SGBD, I prefered to use HeidiSQL. This project is defined with MIT license (Open Source). Thanks and nice codding!


VrbStarterKit is an utility library for the development of PHP projects that use the HTML rendering concept. This library provides common features to make your application or website easy, and allow you to create dynamic forms, internationalization, components, and much more.








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