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Viraja Pay

This platform enables users to make online transactions as long as they have mobile banking accounts. A great population has mobile phones and this is an innovative way of taking advantage of the growing mobile banking market.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Just clone this repository by typing: Switch to project directory: cd bucketlist-react Install project requirements using npm pip. But wait, you have to have some stuff before you get to this point. So these are: Prerequisites Nodejs 7 and above Npm, usually comes with Node (If she's your darl) We use yarn, so run to

To confirm your current setup just type:

node -v in your terminal and if its not greater than or equal to 7.*, you might have some issues (we live in a changing world!) but you're not in big trouble, there are tons of tutorials to get up up and running with these. Just grub one then come back when done.


Now, you have nodejs and npm -v has good news about it's version. Lets set up the project environment.(remember we're still in the app directory)

This app was made using create-react-app so, it's easy stuff:

Install Required Node Modules by running: yarn install You might need to get our API locally but by default it runs on heroku. If you want to clone it as well, get it here This is enough to get you started.

You can now run the application using: yarn start Running the tests Easy, just: yarn test

Built With

Facebook Reactjs - Our beautiful web framework. create-react-app - For setting up for success with react.

Live Serve

The live version of this application is running at Contributing You can create your pull request. :D


For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


Annette Sunday - @AnnetteSunday James Lemayian - @Lemmah Oscar Obura - @oscarosir27 Dennis Nderitu - @DennisNderitu_ Samwel Opiyo - @SamwelOpiyo


The Nairobi Techweek - for the opportunity to explore.


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