New, clean insert tag handling, adding some custom logic to existing insert tags in Contao 4.x
Activates rendering of insert tags in the backend - especially nice for custom elements, included subtemplates, icons and many more tricks in content element organisation.
We're not touching the HTML element - that usually is modules or other "bigger" includes.
Includes php, tpl, xhtml or html5 file where path is relative to ./vendor directory.
f.e. {{file_vendor::magmell-agentur/contao-boxes/src/Resources/contao/templates/test.html5}}
Returns value from $_SESSION['FORM_DATA']
f.e. {{form::firstName}} will return value from:
Return value from url with function:
f.e. {{get::movies}} for URL it will reutrn value forrest-gump
also it works with classical GET formats example will return forrest-gump