This is a simple overlay spinner for Angular apps with perfectly centered spinner for all device sizes.
npm install ng-spinner --save
v1.0.0 - Angular 5 |
v6.0.0 - Angular 6 |
v7.0.0 - Angular 7 |
v8.0.0 - Angular 8 |
v9.0.0 - Angular 9
Import SpinnerModule in your app.module.ts file
import { SpinnerModule } from 'ng-spinner';
Add SpinnerModule to your imports in app.module.ts file
imports: [
The spinner is based on font-awesome 4.7. So, you need font awesome in your app.
Install font-awesome
npm install --save font-awesome
if your application has styles.css file
add font-awesome to styles in .angular-cli.json
"styles": [
if your application has styles.scss file
Create an empty file _variables.scss in src/.
Add the following to _variables.scss:
$fa-font-path : '../node_modules/font-awesome/fonts';
In styles.scss add the following:
@import 'variables';
@import '../node_modules/font-awesome/scss/font-awesome';
Tag: <ng-spinner></ng-spinner>
When you want to start the spinner
<ng-spinner [display]="true"></ng-spinner>
When you want to stop the spinner
<ng-spinner [display]="false"></ng-spinner>
When you want to display an overlay error symbol in place of spinner
<ng-spinner [display]="true" [error]="true"></ng-spinner>
When you want to remove the overlay error symbol
<ng-spinner [display]="false" [error]="true"></ng-spinner>
when you have an async call -> set the display variable to true and error variable false
data successfully loaded -> set the display variable to false and error variable false
if there is an error loading -> set the error variable to true and display variable to true
if you want to remove the error symbol -> set the display variable to false
If you find any issues, you can report at
Happy Coding :)