Hospital timetable is one of the projects in my second year of a computer science degree. It was carried out in groups of 6 over 2 months. It's a hospital timetable application that lets you add/modify/delete/consult staff, create a timetable with different slots, consult the timetable globally and weekly or by staff, and consult legal/speciality constraints whether they're respected or not. Staff functions and specialities can also be consulted.
Here is a list of all the files I have coded and what I've done besides coding:
- Contrainte,
- ContrainteDeSpecialité,
- ContrainteLégale,
- ContrainteDeSpécialitéDAO,
- ContrainteLégaleDAO,
- TestContrainte,
- TestContrainteDeSpecialite,
- TestContrainteLegale,
- TesContrainteDeSpecialiteDAO,
- TestContrainteLegaleDAO.,
- DAO,
- SingleConnection,
- Main,
- Backlog,
- UML scenarios,
- Coding convention,
- Javadoc,
- MCD diagram.
I've coded and documented all of those files along with their FXML files and their corresponding "Controleur..." files. It took approximately 130h for all those files.
- Download JavaFX SDK depending on your operating system.
- Download projects and open it with an IDE through import.
- Go to Windows -> Preferences -> Libraries -> User Library -> Create a new folder -> Add external jars -> Click on your extracted javaFX directory -> lib -> Select all files -> Add -> Apply and close.
- Download eclipse extension called "e(fx)clipse".
- On your left panel, open "lib" directory -> Show in system explorer -> Select "controlfx", "fontawesomefx", "mysql-connector" and "jfoenix" -> Add them to your project folder.
- Click on your project -> Build path -> Configure build path -> Module path -> Add Libraries -> User library and add the created library of step 3.
- Click on "Module path" -> Add Library -> Add "JavaFX SDK".
- Click on "Module path" -> Add External Jars -> Add "controlfx", "fontawesomefx", "mysql-connector" and "jfoenix".
- On run configuration -> Arguments -> Add "--module-path(absolute link of the projects) --add-modules javafx.controls,,javafx.fxml".
- Start MySQL servers.
- Using phpMyAdmin, create a new databal named "planninghospitalier" and import the file "planninghospitalier.sql".
- Go to "package dao" -> "" -> Change the arguments to connect to the database in method "getInstance()".
My group project mates and the many explanatory tutorial videos on javaFX. Gluon for JavaFX SDK and Scene builder