Run the following services
php artisan serve
php artisan schedule:work
php artisan queue:work
npm run watch
visit the homepage at localhost:8000
when the scheduler runs, a box will be printed.
when 16 boxes are complete Shuffle/Sort buttons will appear.
To bypass the wait time for schedule
open localhost:8000
and visit localhost:8000/test
everytime the test url is run, the box will appear on the homepage.
A scheduler runs every 2 minutes to schedule and event to create enteries in the database table "boxes", once the entry is created in the db, that data is broadcasted to the frontend. On the frontend I am using Laravel Echo and Inertiajs to connect React with Laravel backend. Once the data reaches the frontend via Laravel Echo, I insert a box on the UI with the data coming from boxes table. Every time the scheduler runs, the boxes double until 16 and then the scheduler stops and sends the email to the user about task completion.
php composer.phar require inertiajs/inertia-laravel
composer require laravel/breeze
php artisan breeze:install react
npm install
npm run dev
composer require tightenco/ziggy
composer require pusher/pusher-php-server
create a migration for boxes table
php artisan make:migration create_boxes_table
when using mamp define the DB_SOCKET in .env
composer require symfony/mailgun-mailer symfony/http-client
composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle
connect to the socket channel on frontend
broadcast an event every 2 minutes to the frontend channel
an event is => create a box every 2 minutes
- schedule an event for creating a database record
with width, height, color(random) - this event will be broadcasted on a public channel
to the client - client will receive the data(width, height, color, numberOfBoxes)
and creates the box/boxes - Our Event is = create record in the boxes table
- double the amount of inserted records every time
- stop the scheduler when records are 16
- Now create a
and its Listener - using ShouldBroadcastNow instead of ShouldBroadcast to send the scheduled event
to default queue/no delays/gets processed instantly/at priority.
Emails are only being sent via gmail smtp servers. Mailgun is not working. (Its a drivers issue).
SortBoxes will sort the boxes color-wise
ShuffleBoxes will randomize the above.