VSCode port of: https://github.com/hazarartuner/jetbrains-live-templates-for-entitas for https://github.com/sschmid/Entitas
- Open VS Code.
- Go to the "File" menu and select "Preferences," then choose "User Snippets."
- Select the CSharp for which you want to add the https://github.com/wes-kay/vs-code-templates-for-entitas/blob/main/csharp.json snippet.
- VS Code will open a JSON file where you can add the snippets.
To generate template codes use the abbreviations below then press TAB for auto complete
- e_clean : CleanUp System
- e_comp : Component
- e_exec : Execute System
- e_feat : Feature
- e_init : Initialize System
- e_react : Reactive System
- e_tear : TearDown System