Simple portfolio metrics applied to your Robinhood portfolio.
from simple_metrics import fetch, export
account = {
'username': 'my username',
'password': 'my password'}
# export stock trades to -> stock_orders.csv
stock_orders = fetch.stock_trades(account, {})
export.stock_orders(stock_orders, {})
# export -> option_orders.csv
option_orders = fetch.option_orders(account, {})
export.option_orders(option_orders, {})
Run the
script in the examples folder, it generates total and daily returns, as well as fetching greeks for open option positions.
pip install simple_metrics
Functionality includes:
- Fetch Stock order history
- Fetch Option order history
- Export Stock order history
- Export Option order history
Git clone this repo and run,
pip install . --process-dependency-links --editable
Adding --editable
allows you to pull in code changes without
having to run pip install