Crunchbase visualization with Angular.js and D3
Install Node.js and then:
$ git clone git://
$ cd
$ sudo npm -g install grunt-cli karma bower
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ npm install grunt --save-dev
$ grunt serve
You should be using the faker for local development, not staging data.
If you need to a make a change to the API, complete the following steps:
- Update webApiFaker to produce the type of output that you expect.
- In the same commit, update the JSON in the README to match what webApiFaker now returns
- Add a ticket to pivotal tracker assigned to the backend team and labeled with 'api'
- Include a link to the README (and a diff showing the changes) with the version of the API you need
- When the API team finishes the change and marks the ticket as 'delivered' determine if the output matches your expectations (check this manually and/or by running grunt serve:staging)
- If the output is as expected, accept the ticket
- If the output is incorrect, reject the ticket
Once the API has been successfully updated, any code that relies on the new data can be merged to master.
"id": 1,
"name": "company1",
"permalink": "company-1",
"category_id": 15,
"status": "deadpooled",
"total_funding": 1000,
"latitude": 1.0,
"longitude": 1.0,
"state_code": "FL",
"acquired_on": "1/28/2014",
"acquired_value: 3000000,
"acquired_by_id": 1,
"ipo_on": "1/28/2014",
"ipo_valuation": 50000,
"founded_on": "1/28/2014",
"most_recent_raised_amount": 10000,
"id": 1,
"company_id": 3,
"round_code": "series a",
"raised_amount": 100.0,
"funded_on": "10/10/2013",
"id": "person-5",
"name": "Test Name",
"investor_type": "person",
"permalink": "test-name",
"id": 1,
"name": "A Category",
"display_name": "A better Category Name",