wtc => winestarter_conf, wt => winestarter, up_w => update_winestarter, wk => winestart_kill, up =>, we => winestarter_extract
( 01/09/19 ) v1.3.16
- we: discovered very bad behavoour between exec via terminal session and UI session. This is fixed.
- other minor fixes I can't list ( I can't remind, too old: the fixes and the guy).
( 25/07/19 ) v1.3.15
- wtc: roll back to fedora WineHq's repos because Debian one's is not si much up to date.
- wtc: changes desktop files creator to be more clear and ajustable at need.
- we: wine binary was missing. Don't ask ... :'(
- and still, my apology for the long delay.
( 25/01/19 ) v1.3.14
- wtc: fixed missing conf headers at prefix creation.
- wtc: changed default WineHQ new binaries version check from fedora to debian (because of Fedora repos move). Some others fixes in same function.
- up_w: fixed bad regex.
- next in wt: need to control application package installation method and check, no enought filters and check.
( 08/01/19 ) v1.3.13
- wtc: fix bad filter brackets in dependencies install function.
- wt: integrated compressed files in extra package install.
( 30/12/18 ) v1.3.12
- wt/wtc: WineHQ is dispatching packages repos (fedora for the case). Redrawed script to include WineHq, then new and future repos moving.
( 20/12/18 ) v1.3.11
- wtc/wt: adapted Wine package downloads to GLIB system version. That way, downloaded package will be suitable to user's distro environment.
- wtc: fixed bad variable behaviour at prefix creation.
( 16/12/18 ) v1.3.10
- wt: add a winestarter dedicated desktop file presence controler that recreate them at application command line launch if they're missing.
- wt: add warning text for windowed mode when config files is too old to support it.
- wtc: fixed env variable that prevent standalone winetricks to launch and install tricks verbs correctly.
( 12/12/18 ) v1.3.9
- dev message: I have severe heals issue and I don't really know if I could still manage my project alive. I will try to continue to fix bugs, but i can't tell about the future. It's strongly recommanded to fork.
- info: WineHQ packages have upgrade to GLIB 2.27 since Wine 3.10 (update GLIB or upgrade your distro to get standalone wine binaries above 3.10)
- changed to get last change messages even if zenity is not installed.
- wtc: fixed unproperly wine_conf tab options set (gave TRUE/FALSE in place of 1/0 when place in conf file at first start).
- wt: fixed auto desktop file creation bad behaviour that could delete all winestarter dedicated desktop files.
- wt: added a resolution selector for Wine windowed mode if more than one display is detected.
- wt: added missing executable file detection at first application start.
- wtc: added wine's distro package installer to resolve first start wine's dependencies. Function can also backup distro's package for winestarter future uses.
- added a standalone script: winestarter_extract in relation with above addition. Launching it in a terminal save distro's wine package in winestarter's format to binaries directory.
( 25/05/18 ) v1.3.8
- wk: for an unknown reason winestart_kill doesn't display pid list when launch from desktop file, but does when launch from the command line. Desktop file will now launch through a terminal window to fix this the time I really understand what is wrong.
( 11/05/18 ) v1.3.7
- wt/wtc: fix. WineHQ has removed build.old repository for a hodd and unkknown reason. Scripts have been adapted to this new behoviour and release from 1.9.24 fallback to PoL packages (still not tested them).
- Note: Previous method has been kept and will auto detect if build.old is back, in case WineHQ change is mind.
( 10/05/18 ) v1.3.6
- wt: fix, added more filters to previous addition and a question dialog if prefix doesn't exist.
( 09/05/18 ) v1.3.5
- wt: added an auto prefix creation in case there's none in 'launch app from dir' mode.
( 19/04/18 ) v1.3.4
- up_w: micro fix in option syntax.
( 24/03/18 ) v1.3.3
- wtc: fix not updated var in date_stamp function after v1.3 update preventing to get last website date.
( 22/03/18 ) v1.3.2
- wk: Added a desktop file (too minor to be consider as real update).
- up_w: fix, remove forgotten dev line (don't tell, it's so sad).
- up_w: by the way, add timer option at the end of command line. Default is still 30s, but you can change it by add a different timer in autostart desktop file exec line (ex: update_winestarter 5)
( 18/03/18 ) v1.3.1
- update_winestarter: fixed local/remote regex analysis that making confusion between vX.X and vX.X.X.
( 15/03/18 ) v1.3
- wt/wtc: update Wine package download sources list for new staging repository ( Could be remove in near future if merging with WineHQ staging repo.
( 12/03/18 ) v1.2.3
- updater: fix messages display. Will now check correctly diff between local git repo and web site page.
( 04/03/18 ) v1.02.2
- wt: Urgent fix, syntax error in wrestool orthograph preventing wrestool to convert desktop icons (don't say it, I know ...).
- wtc: fix. fn_xrandr_config wasn't properly rewrite and cause inversion of setted definitions.
- wtc: fix, bad IFS restore and exit status.
- wt: fix bad link and dir recognition when app is install on a external drive with a long dir name.
- Note: Please v1.02.1 changelog for earlier fixes :S. I hope there wont be more stupid mistakes.
( 03/03/18 ) v1.02.1
- wt/wtk: Fixed regex pid detection that didn't manage apps gone to Zombie (lucky to got one :)). Changed text display as appropriate.
- wtc: Fixed IFS and file syntax mistake in desktop file creation part.
- wt: Fix. Window app in WoW64 are install whereever they want and became hard to find them when looking the exe file to link. this is hopefuly fixed.
- wt: desktop file detection and conversion wasn't fully update to new fixes and rewrites. This is fixed with better automation. It will normally take all type of install and only add not existing desktop files or to convert (original desktop file is still backup in user winestarter directory). If icon file is not found, default winestarter white png will be set in replacement.
- updater notif: fix bad regex preventing winetricks 'update only' to be displayed and sets wine env settings if system have no default wine installed that cause tricks lists to be erase.
( 22/02/18 ) v1.02
- wtc: Added Wipe memory cache options allow/disallow to Wine prefix config options sets.
- note: it is mandatory to update your config files first to include this new option.
- wtc: Added more options to restart features section. This is now more a quick setup features allowing to fast restart some actions. I could add more, will figure out.
- wtc: Modified some icons to be more clear on some sections.
- wtc: Added a Wine regedit GUI button to regedit section.
- wtc: Added Wine control panel end user GUI to Wine prefix tab.
- wt: Modified app pid detection behaviour for better detection.
- wt: Added a end process kill pid apps GUI. In case winedbg is detected, script display a zenity GUI listing all wine active processes with tip on 'what to do' giving the possibility to kill running app if something goes wrong.
- wt/wtc: (extended options) Added options 'Prevent crash dialog to popup' and 'Exceptions handle by app only' (debugging). First prevent Windbg crash dialog GUI to be displayed for app that finally starting at the end, second, allow to print app exceptions handles by themself only (not Wine) making debugging debugging a bit easier.
- new: Add winestarter_kill script. Because, all tip and trick don't prevent on exceptional situation, added the winestart_kill script similar to end process kill pid apps GUI, allowing to kill properly all wine processes in 'world end' situation. (Command line only, usage: winestart_kill after app launch)
- few fix and update to makefile.
- This update need a 'make install' after 'make update' if you're using this updating way. 'make update' is enought if you use 'git pull', only way for new pngs to take place.
( 12/02/18 ) v1.01
- wt: Added a memory cache wipe tool using polkit for admin priviledges. Winestarter will ask for memory cache wipe if it's over 60 percent of total memory usage. To use with caution, if you have some server with high cache data in RAM, this feature could wipe this data. So, it's maybe a better idea to not use if you are in this kind of situation. Will add a conf option (set to 0/1) in next update for user convenience.
- wt: Clean useless comments and lines.
( 09/02/18 ) v1.00
- Time to go through the scary crossroad and put version to 1. there no know major bugs and minors are not known at this moment, then...
- For better understanding on what's going on, version will be classified as following: major update v'x', minor: v'x.xx' and fixes v'x.xx.x'.
- wtc: Added a prefix conf management button in main window (remove, rename, clone).
- wtc: devel tag will know only display in debug/devel mode (removing time still unknown)
- wtc: fixed little bug in Wine info download 'wait' UI.
( 27/01/18 ) v0.99.9
- makefile: Add a changelog display at update.
- Fix wtc: Forgot to update stable Wine version and real default Wine version in main tabs display. Apologies.
- wt: Removed no more used vars.
( 23/01/18 ) v0.99.8
- Emergency bug fix: Bad ID chekc in wt fn_use_winepath download section. Reversed lists tags.
- Fix: wtc In standalone install, defaut wine version was identified with full path (baaaad), modified as appropriate and chekc first if specific wine versio, is used in config first.
- Add: stable WineHQ repository ('cause, Wine 3.0 is stable :) ).
( 21/01/18 ) v0.99.7
- Emergency bug fix: Forgot to update wtc fn_binary_env, fn_binary_config accordingly to change in wt. It cause misunderstading in conf file wt reading. User that already have a Wine distro package installed are not impact with this issue.
- fix wine_hq/pol recorded lists update: listings wasn't update to 'installed' after package download. This is required until according sites are updated.
( 19/01/18 ) v0.99.6
- Changed Wine packages list download behaviour to manage last version check on WineHQ web site. Now, lists are checked at program start and is only updated if website is updated.
- ADD > Added WineHQ old staging package repository to binary packages list. Now we can get starting from 1.8 version. Older version can still be downloaded from PoL repository (without any garanty, I didn't test).
- ADD > winestarter now launch app windowed by default at full default screen resolution (unless uncheck in config), after test it globaly improve game display and performance and, by btw, allow to launch auxilliary app in prefix. Background desktop is set to black (wine weird blue is too ugly).
- wt: Modify Wine package type to 64bits only for 64bits system because 64 packages already have 32bits Wine version and is automaticaly link to .winebin x86 section.
- wt: FIX > wine prefix wasn't update correctly after regedit/winecfg change because wineserver wans't killed after process.
- Note: First listing download can be a bit long, there are many repositories to check.
- PoL packages donwload wont be removed until someone tell me it is very useless.
- Have to check script regex Debian like compatibility.
( 31/12/17 ) v0.99.5 ??
- Realize that only 32 bits apps (x86 directory) was managed in 64bit bottles. Fixed.
- Accordingly with above statement, x86 apps is now auto detected before launching.
- w_config set for winecfg start wasn't managed when checked in wtc fn_binary_config. Fixed.
- And many more to come, probably ;°(.
( 16/12/17 ) v0.99.4
- Error in fn_install_tricks winestarter function. I should treat new prefix creation, but only take care of already existiing during rewrite (stupid?). Fixed.
- Added cabextract existance in system tree because not install by default during dist Wine install.
- Added WineHQ development packages because I was needed wine3.0-rc1 for test :).
- Fixed Wine standalone environment. Wine wanted not start when there was no distro Wine package installed. It does now.
- Will remove PoL package download/install at next updates (Should I ?).
( 2/12/17 ) v0.99.3
- Remove PlayOnLinux package download by mistake. Fixed.
- Fixed regex error that do not display used app dir when select direct app path.
- Fixed default app directory in wine config tab. It displayed user's home instead of Program Files.
( 23/11/17 ) v0.99.2
- Error found in winestarter zip install feature.
- Add security in case zip file is a setup install directory.
( 19/11/17 ) v0.99.1
- 3 errors found since major update. Fixed.
( 15/11/17 ) v0.99
- beta release before upgrade v1.0 after complete rewrite. There realy too much things to tell to be wroten in Changelog.
- all parts have been rewrite to be faster.
- winetricks binary take place now fully in the git repo (daily updated)
- winetricks dll list appears now entirely instead of presets list.
- all menu have been redesign to easely add new features.
- it is now possible to use a standalone Wine, even if it's not present in system tree.
- and many more (too many!)
( 20/08/17 ) v0.98.7
- wtc - Added wine option extended fetaure (improvement of original): Now, manual edits can be added to default wine/app options for use in other app botlles. Function has been debuged, but could still have some unknown issues.
( 10/08/17 ) v0.98.6
- wtc - Bug fix in wine options extended feature: bad filter.
- wt - Bug fix in fn_download_ui, site name regex filter didn't work on debian.
( 08/08/17 ) v0.98.5 - wtc - wt
- wt - Add a symlink to .winebin amd64 binary dir to x86 binary dir, x86_64 packages containing already wine32 binaries and libs.
- wtc - Added an auto hide function for Nvidia section when Nvidia device are not detected.
- wtc - Added a config file editor at config file selector for fast edit.
- Added a notification independant script to notify for winestarter update to user.
- Last version of winetricks will be automatically update on git repo.
( 05/08/28 ) v0.98.4 - wtc - wt
- Added fn_install_exe ability to download binary package directly by only changing executable path by downloadable package URL. Then, script detect the URL form and try to download the binary before install process.
- Changed fn_convert_desktop_file in wt to only popup at install time. Still looking for a beter display.
( 30/07/17 ) v0.98.3 - wtc
- v0.98.2 issues #1 - fixed.
- Fixed an issue in regedit function when user_reg value in config file is empty. It was removing too much lines under the targeted one.
- Video memory is not display by default in scroll selector anymore. All graphics adaptors do not return memory at command line and it was too much confusing at config time.
- Adjust more accuretly desktop interface in fn_xrandr_config.
( 21/07/17 ) v0.98.2 - wtc - wt
- v0.98.1 issues #1 & #2 - fixed - Add an alternative to PoL and distro Wine packages by allow dowloading directly from WineHQ staging server. In place of add an option to install distro repos (debian/ubuntu, fedora), I'd prefer to choose downloading the fedora rpm packages that are more managable for standalone use and install them in the 'winebin' packs directory. Seems to be fully usable after test.
- Debian users and like, need to install 'rpm' distro package (usually in main distros repos) to take benefits of the new feature.
( 10/07/17 ) v0.98.1 - wtc - wt
- v0.98 issue #1 - fixed.
- fn_replace_env - added 'find' filter to get desktop ui binary full path.
- changed desktop manager list display, managers will onl display is found in the system.
( 30/06/17 ) v0.98 - winestarter
- Changed regedit reg file update by a real diff command. It's a simpliest way.
- extended features - Added dlls special independant registration through regsvr32.
( 30/05/17 ) v0.97.6 - winestarter_conf
- v0.97.5 issue - Add an app portable option : Option prevents to send new app to Program Files and define the C drive root as app root.
( 30/05/17 ) v0.97.6 - winestarter
- fn_extract_lnk was messing when it didn't find the .lnk file to reach the app executabe. Modified by seeking a possible .lnk on desktop directory then trying to find in the bottle. If nothing is auto-detect, then a yad window pop up asking for choosing one.
- wine 'winepath' function is now used to translate unix path form to C: directory path form. Yes, I didn't knew it. :)
- extract section of fn_install_exe wasn't creating correctly the install path. Now extracted files are pull at the root of the C drive instead of Program Files and asking for an install directory if it didn't find one (except for auto-extractible).
- fixed unrar and 7z command lines. Added a filter for tar.7z.
- fixed bad diff in reg files.
( 17/05/17 ) v0.97.5 - winestarter
- When DLLs were installed by winetricks gui, script was still trying install something at launch. Now process is automaticcaly turn to off if conf tricks list is empty.
( 17/05/17 ) v0.97.5 - winestarter_conf
- To fix the horizontal scrollbar unwanted issue, added a color.conf file that can managed displayed font style size and wiwdow size by adding more width. This way, user can change from default desktop font or font size to a more adapted.
- To fix the '!' yad output separator that couild call bash history by mistake, all yad separators have been changed to comma or other not buggy symbols.
( 14/05/17 ) v0.97.4 - winestarter_conf
- v0.97.3 issue #1 - fixed
- v0.97.3 issue #2 - fixed
- First "create prefix" windows were coming from the default "wine config" tab. Bottle name chooser were a DIR chooser and seems to confusing user when typing the name of the new bottle. DIR chooser is now replace by a simple text entry to avoid this.
- It appears that defaults gtk system icons are not displayed in some desktops. To fix this, icons are now include in git repo cloning or update (and maked them fancy for fun).
- wine options extended feature marked CHK boxes to 1 at first edition launch because of an unapropriate filter. This is fixed.
- comming next v0.97.5 (or v0.98, depends of issues and bugs state)- winestarter - mime asso process.
( 11/05/17 ) v0.97.3 - winestarter_conf
- v0.97.2 issue #1 fixed
- extended feature for mime type association (winestarter_conf part). Adde mime-preset.lst and mime-type.lst to add to .winestarter/resource user directory for debug purpose (not usable yet)
( 07/05/17 ) v0.97.2 (minor fix)
- winestarter_conf - Enhanced regedit regex filters to be more comprehensive with new dword csmt feature the old one erasing to much variables when modified.
( 05/05/17 ) v0.97.1 (major fix)
- Fixed bad Makefile end user behaviour (all my apology for this). I realize with the helping hand of a friend that install process was working nicely only on ma desktop :/
( 30/04/17 ) v0.97
- winestarter_conf - Beginnig to create a 'extended' check box option for extended features (not available to end user yet), it will strongly increase the capacities of the scritpt.
- winestarter_conf - Added the 'csmt' feature to registry entries (wine 2.6 update), it avoid staging csmt feature. Added a few other features to the registry configuration. Preparing extended features for more editable options (user & system). It also possible now to add dword:xxxxxxxx class options.
- winestarter_conf - Added a 'last wine version' info tag in may tab window.
- Added a check box for "wine start" command. It's now possible to launch app from absolute path.
- Color chooser now change also Script's popups.
- winestarter_conf - Fixed edit_desktop for apps installed in C: root.
- winestarter - moved fn_regedit before winecfg launch.
- A few fixes on mistakes, buggy filters and directives.
( 17/04/17 ) v0.96
- winestarter - fixed winetricks function - merged winetricks log and winestarter log, this ways config file display all the dlls packages installed and not only thoses defined in the config file.
- winestarter - added a info yad box on error or info (may be changed for a zenity one in the future).
- winestarter_conf - fixed bad filter in install section - empty line was returning user home instead of nothing.
( 15/04/17 ) v0.95
- Added multi install type to winestarter_conf
section. This way, we can install now a software from an extractible (or auto-extractible) compressed format (zip, rar, 7z. Take care to have them installed) - Note: extraction command line for rar and 7zip could be faulty, I have no samples to test.
( 10/04/17 ) v0.94
- Added a 'more packages' features to 'Install Software' section. This way, user could install associated dll packages or apps (ex: DX redist) without restart the configurator or the script a second times or more.
- Add a scroll to the winestarter_conf window to gain place. There is alas a bug with optimus and xrandr tab (will fix ASAP)
( 08/04/17 ) v0.93
- Modified and fix winetricks dlls installer in winestarter (fn_install_tricks). This way, installer just install missing dlls or newly added.
- Modified and fix the way the script detect and link app dir to manage those installed in root (c:).
- Fixed forgotten dir elf type in winestarter_conf reconf_wine function.
- Usually, the app start independantly from the script. However, in some case it doesn't and mess up the pid detection. I fix it, now it does all the time.
- Add a new filter for pid detection. I did test BF Bad Compagny 2. It appears this games needs to be launch to the desktop resolution to work properly and doesn't exit as Wine usaully do, that why I needed to do the above fix.
- Winestarter's 'fn_game_dir_exist' wasn't reading custom app path as expected. Reworked on it and fix. Add a yad file chooser at this point to select .exe and dir when launched from Winestarter only.
- Devel comments and adds are still uncleaned.
( 02/04/17 ) v0.92
- Allowed Wine Custom binary to download and use 64bits. ltfp is not used anymore.
- Add an initial window for fresh/import install. This is more confortable now to choose a custom app directory by init the new wine bottle first and preconfigure to choose the app dir and exe at the next step.
- Add a "working" popup. Script work could be long.
- Devel comments and adds are still uncleaned.
- A few fixes.
( 30/03/17 ) v0.91
- Started the versioning steps where v1.0 will be stable without known bugs.
- Add 64bits start feature.
- Put Wine custom binary in a separate tab.
- A few fixes.
remove PlayOnLinux wine pakages installation because they're often not exploitable. - winestarter yad popups don't looking very nice and need improvement.
- v0.98.2 - wtc
- #1 Bad images export in WineHQ, PoL download selectors.
- v0.98.1 - wt & wtc
- #1 PlayOnLinux binbaries packages seems to not be always functionnal. Need an alternative.
- #2 Since Wine 2.11, there some mouse glitches in some D3D game (FFXIV), need an alternative to fall back to previous version.
- v0.98 - winestarter_conf
- #1 Error in Display Xrandr mode, desktop ui line are not numbered correctly.
- v0.97.5 - winestarter_conf
- It seems in some case when willing to set an already existing app path, winestarter fail to auto set the link to C drive root because it dosen't enough data to define the link 'rootkey' var properly and then link it inside Program Files folder.
- v0.97.4 - winestarter_conf
- mime-type is now added in wine regeistry, but it didn't resolve the way of some app (like captvty) manage the bottle system to launch some file for reading.
- v0.97.3 - winestarter_conf
- #1 ( 11/05/17 ) - new extended feature for local mime-type launch display uncorrectly (add a unwanted horiz scrollbar).
- #2 ( 12/05/17 ) - other distro than mine (fedora) seems to have difficulties to find mandatory binaries (yad, nvidia, wintricks, etc). Need to replace by a short 'find' command.
- v0.97.2 - winestarter_conf
- #1 ( 11/05/17 ) - Discovered with helping hand that Debian grep can't read some regex when a point (.) is not mark with a backslash (and also prefer egrep in place grep).
- STEAM (2.4-staging) was fully installed and configured by the basic script on my desktop (32 and 64 bits Wine version).
- TERA (2.4-staging) Online was installed successfuly too. But the game wont start because of a network issue.
- FFXIV (2.4>2.5-staging) was installed earlier, but I spend my time to change many things for my debug purpose: desktop file, icons, game directory, Wine binary, etc... And it still work great. It also work in Wine 64 with DX9, sadly it wont in DX11 because of a DX version check issue.
- COD 4 MW (2.4-staging)was reconfigured by the script in 64. Perfect.
- BF 3 (2.4-staging) installed with a few tricks. Work only over 64bits and DX11 (wine 2.4-staging). App launch in Wine windowed mode, alas, implementation of DX11 in Wine is not enough strong to manage many shaders and render is a crap.
- FFXIV (2.5-staging) tested over DX11 succefuly by installing the DX redist package. Unfortunatly, when you go in the game itself occur the same shader issues. All the ATH is loaded, but no colors rendering in the game itself resulting in a dark shade of blacks.
- BF 2 Bad company (2.4-staging), installed and working with a few tricks. Near perfect.
- BF 1942 (2.4-staging) Forgotten Hope (from a contact demand). Game install nicely even the mod. The game wont launch if you're not in Windowed Wine mode and you have too launch from the game directory itself or with the "wine start" command. Still a few glitch
- GTA IV (2.4-staging) installed and working. A few isuues with fps and images jump some times. Fully playable.
- Interstellar Marines (2.4-staging) tested and working over STEAM64 bottle. Images jump some times, but render is almost better than the linux native build.
- Medal of Honor 2010 (2.5-staging) - Didn't success to install with the ISO installation disc, even with PoL, maybe the ISO I got is buggy. So, I did install with a MS vbox VM on on external HDD. For this test, I wished to externalize all the stuff (wine bottle, game). Result is almost perfect. Note that the external drive is usb3, this make the game loading faster than the internal one (!?).
- Tested FFXIV over Wine 2.6 (PoL) and registry csmt option. It seems to fully replace the staging csmt option. Curiously, I didn't have sound in DX9, but I had with DX11 (still dark shades).