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Testing instructions for critical flows WooCommerce Square
Twenty Twenty-Four
The plugin should be installed and activated without any error or trouble.
Pre-requisites Download and Install the Woocommerce extension
Test Steps
- Download the Plugin zip from Woo account or Github
- Install the plugin zip in the Plugin Uploader screen of the store
Expected Result
- Square requires WooCommerce to be installed and active. You can download WooCommerce here.
- Without WooCommerce, the Square extension cannot be activated. It throws an error Like: "This plugin cannot be activated because required plugins are missing or inactive."
- The thank you screen will appear
- The Square onboarding menu appears under Woocommerce > Square onboarding
Test Steps
- Download the Plugin zip from Woo account or GitHub
- Install the plugin zip in Plugin Uploader screen
- Access the website without using SSL by entering the URL starting with ""http://"" instead of ""https://""."
Expected Result Without SSL should give notice in the admin area. WooCommerce Square: WooCommerce is not being forced over SSL; your customers' payment data may be at risk. Verify your site URLs here
After activating the Square extension, the "Square" tabs should appear in Dashboard.
Test Steps
- Goto wp-admin dashboard
- Goto Woocommerce > Setting
- Click on Square tab
- Goto Woocommerce > Setting > Payments
- Square Credit Card
Expected Result Square setting tabs and square credit cards should appear as expected.
To verify the successful connection between WordPress and Square Live/Sandbox account for payment processing.
Test Steps
- After installing there is one button "Connect with Square"
- Redirect to the square site
- Enter your credential
- Confirm your site and click on "redirect me"
- Select business location
- Enable payment methods like (Credit & Debit Cards, Digital Wallets, Cash App Pay (US-only), Gift card)
- Click on "Next" button
- Navigate and Click on "Go to sandbox Settings"
- Configure Sandbox Settings > Enable Sandbox Mode toggle button
- Enter "Access ID and Application token"
- Apply changes
- Goto Woocommerce > Settings > Navigate to Connection
- Click on "Connect to Square"
Expected Result
- Square Settings, update tab should be visible
- Successful connection with Square Live/Sandbox account using the provided credentials.
Test steps:
- Connect to site to square (step-1)
- Enable/Disable toggle payment method like ( credit card, Digital wallet, Cash app, Giftcard)
- Click on the "Next" button
Expected result:
- The enabled payment gateway should appear on the next screen under the "Manage Payments" section.
- The enabled payment gateway should also be listed in the WooCommerce>Settings>Payment tab of the WooCommerce settings.
- During the checkout process, the enabled payment gateway should be available for customers to select and use for payment.
To verify the functionality of enabling or disabling a payment gateway in the WooCommerce settings.
Test Steps
- Log in to the WordPress admin dashboard.
- Navigate to the WooCommerce settings by clicking on "WooCommerce" in the left-hand menu and selecting "Settings"
- Click on the "Payments" tab in the settings menu.
- Locate the "Square – Square Credit Card" payment gateway that needs to be enabled or disabled.
- Click on the "Save changes" button
Expected Result
- The payment gateway can be enabled or disabled from the WooCommerce settings.
- The "Manage" button appears if the payment gateway is enabled.
- The "Finish Set-up" button appears if the payment gateway is disabled.
Verify the functionality of the "Authorization" transaction type.
Test Steps
- Navigate the WooCommerce setting > Payment
- Select Square
- Select transaction type > Authorization
Expected Result
- If the transaction Type setting is set to “Authorization”, you can manually capture these payments from the WooCommerce > Orders page.
- An authorized transaction can be captured for up to 6 days; after 6 days, you must ask the customer to re-authorize the transaction to capture payment.
- A captured amount cannot differ from the authorized amount.
Verify the functionality of the "Authorization" transaction type with options to charge virtual-only orders.
Test Steps
- Navigate the WooCommerce setting > Payment
- Select Square
- Select transaction type > Authorization
- Checkmark > Charge Virtual-Only Orders
Expected Result Should automatically capture charges for orders with only Virtual products.
Verify the functionality of the "Authorization" transaction type with options to charge Capture Paid orders.
Test Steps
- Navigate the WooCommerce setting > Payment
- Select Square
- Select transaction type > Authorization
- Checkmark > Capture Paid Orders
Expected Result Should automatically capture orders when they are changed to Processing or Completed.
Verify the function "Accepted card logos"
Test Steps
- Navigate the WooCommerce setting > Payment
- Select Square
- Accepted Card Logos
- Select the card.
Expected Result
- This doesn’t determine which cards are accepted, only which card logos are shown during checkout.
- The checkout page should display the added card.
Verify Customers can save their payment methods for future use at checkout. This is required for Subscriptions and Pre-Orders products.
Test Steps
- Navigate the WooCommerce setting > Payment
- Select Square
- Customer Profiles
- Checked the checkbox
Expected Result The payment method should be saved for further checkout
Take payments on your store with Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Test Steps
- Navigate the WooCommerce setting > Payment
- Select Square
- Navigate the Manage Digital wallet setting
- Enable digital wallet setting
Expected Result
When digital wallets are enabled, Apple Pay and Google Pay buttons will be displayed on the Product, Cart, and Checkout pages, depending on which is available to the customer.
If Apple Pay is not supported in a particular country, a WordPress dashboard message will be displayed.
The digital wallet button is disabled on the single product page, cart page if any custom checkout field is added.
Apple Pay is not available with Square - there was a problem with registering your store domain with Square/Apple Pay. View the Square logs to find out what caused the registration to fail.
Test Steps
- Navigate the WooCommerce setting > Payment
- Select Square
- Navigate the Digital wallet setting
- Select button type a. Buy now b. Donate c. No text
- Select the button color for apple pay and google pay
Expected Result The Button type and Button color should match the settings.
Verify the successful import of products from Square to WooCommerce
Test Steps
- Navigate the WooCommerce Setting > Square > Settings
- Click on "Import all products from square"
- Popup opened and click on Import products
- If you want to update current products during import, click on "Update existing products during import."
Expected Result
- The imported products from Square are correctly displayed in the WooCommerce product list.
- All existing products should be updated if the option to update existing products during import is selected.
The following fields should be imported if Update existing products during import is enabled.
update? | |
Name | ✅ |
Description | ✅ |
Price | ✅ |
Category | ✅ |
Inventory | ✅ |
Image | ✅ |
Verify the Sync With "Square" and "WooCommerce" SOR
Test Steps
- Navigate the WooCommerce Setting > Square > Update
- Click on "Sync"
Expected Result
- The merchant site should sync products with Square.
- Any sync errors should be visible in the Sync records.
SoR: WooCommerce The following data from WooCommerce will overwrite Square data for synced products
update? | |
Name | ✅ |
Description | ❌ |
Price | ✅ |
Category | ✅ |
Inventory | ✅ |
Image | ✅ |
SoR: Square The following data from Square will overwrite WooCommerce data for synced products
update? | |
Name | ✅ |
Description | ✅ |
Price | ✅ |
Category | ✅ |
Inventory | ✅ |
Image | ✅ |
Sync inventory - Inventory is fetched from Square periodically and updated in WooCommerce
Override product images - Product images that have been updated in Square will also be updated within WooCommerce during a sync.
Handle missing products - Products not found in Square will be hidden in the WooCommerce product catalog.
Note: We can force polling by going to WooCommerce > Status > Scheduled Actions > pending and run the wc_square_sync action manually to initiate the polling process.
Frequency for how regularly WooCommerce will sync products with Square.
- Navigate the WooCommerce Setting > Square > Settings > Sync interval
- Select interval time for example - 15 minutes, 30 minutes
Synch should be run as per Interval time and reflect changes.
Inventory tracking when SOR is Woocommerce
Test Steps
- Navigate the WooCommerce Setting > Square > Settings > Sync settings > WooCommerce
- Crete a new product / Existing Product
- Enable Sync with Square - Send product data to Square, under Products > General tab
- Enable / Disable Inventory tracking on the Square dashboard.
Expected Result
- Verify the Inventory tab there is two option available Synced with Square / Sync inventory
- Synch Inventory Tranking Enabled Fetch stock from Square under stock Qty field
- Square Dashboard > Inventory Tranking Disabled, Sync inventory beside in Manage stock checkbox label.
Inventory tracking when SOR is Square
Test Steps
- Navigate the WooCommerce Setting > Square > Settings > Sync settings > Square
- Crete a new product / Existing Product
- Enable Sync with Square - Send product data to Square, under Products > General tab
- Enable / Disable Inventory tracking on the Square dashboard.
Expected Result
- Verify the Inventory tab there is two option available Sync stock from Square
- Square Dashboard > Inventory Tranking Enabled, Sync stock from Square under stock Qty field
- Square Dashboard > Inventory Tranking Disabled, Sync inventory besides in Manage stock checkbox label.
Test steps:
- Goto Woocommerce > Settings > Square
- Navigate to Configure Sync Settings and set "Square" as the SOR.
- Enable Sync Inventory "Enable to fetch inventory changes from Square" setting
- Goto Products > Edit any product that is Sync with Square
- Go to the "Inventory" tab of product data and click the "Sync stock from Square" link.
Expected result:
- The product's stock quantity in WooCommerce should be updated to match the stock quantity in Square.
- The updated stock quantity should be reflected on the product's Inventory tab in the WooCommerce admin.
- The Shop page on the front-end should show the correct updated stock quantity.
Test steps:
- Goto Woocommerce > Settings > Square
- Navigate to Configure Sync Settings and set "WooCommerce" as the SOR.
- Enable Sync Inventory "Enable to push inventory changes to Square" setting
- Goto Products > Edit any product that is Sync with Square
- Go to the "Inventory" tab of product data and click the "Fetch Stock from square" link.
Expected result:
- The product's stock quantity in WooCommerce should be updated to match the stock quantity
- The updated stock quantity should be reflected on the product's Inventory tab in the WooCommerce admin.
- The Shop page on the front-end should show the correct updated stock quantity.
- Goto Woocommerce > Settings > Square
- Navigate to Configure Sync Settings and set "Square" or "WooCommerce" as the SOR.
- Create a new product
- Navigate Product data > General
- Enable Sync with Square
- Goto Product data > Inventory tab
- Make sure Stock management is unchecked
- Publish product
Expected result:
- The "Synced with Square (sync inventory)" link should be there in Stock management
- "Synced with Square" redirects to square setting tab
- "(sync inventory)" to check quickly sync inventory and enable manage stock with updated stock. Once you click, Only if we have square side tracking stock enabled will this enable stock management. Otherwise, clicking will result in nothing happening.
verify the successful refund process for orders paid through the Square
Test Steps
- Open an order made through Square from WooCommerce > Orders
- Click on the Refund button
- Enter the refund amount and a reason(optional)
- Click on Refund via Square
- Observe the order note message
- Cross verify the refund amount and message in the Square Dashboard under Transactions.
Expected Result The refund process for orders paid through the Square payment gateway can be initiated successfully.
Test Steps
- Go to Woocommerce > Setting > Payments > Enable Square Credit Card
- Add to the cart any product
- Go to the Checkout page
- Select a square credit card as a payment.
Expected Result
- Square Credit Card fields must show only the Card Number, Expiry and CVV/CSC fields on page load
- Pin/ZIP code field must automatically show depending on the issuing country of the buyer's credit card
- Card logo must automatically change depending on the card number.
Note: Some cards don't require a postal code for payment. Use the card: 3569 9900 1009 5841 to test payment without postal/ZIP code.
Use test cards provided by Square.
Add new payment method
Test Steps
- Go to My Account > Payment Methods > Add payment method
- Add credit card details
- Click on add payment method
Expected Result
- Payment method should be added under payment method.
- If tokenization is enabled under WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Square, a shopper should be able to add new payment methods under My Account > Payment Methods > Add payment method.
- New payment method should be visible under WordPress dashboard > Users > Square Payment Tokens
Test Steps
- Go to My Account > Payment Methods > Delete
- Click on delete
Expected Result
- Payment method should be Deleted under payment method.
Test Steps
- WooCommerce > Settings > Payments > Square
- Navigate to Customer Profiles
- Check the checkbox to enable/disable
- Save setting
Expected Result
- A shopper should be able to save their cards if tokenization is enabled under the setting.
- The selected payment method should be set as the "default" for future payments.
- The selected payment method should be successfully deleted from the shopper's account.
Test steps:
- Goto Wp-admin
- Goto WooCommerce > Payments > Square
- Navigate Gift Card settings
- Check the Checkbox for Enable/Disable
- Save the setting
Expected Result:
- By enabling the Gift Card feature in WooCommerce Square settings, your online store can accept payments made with Square Gift Cards.
- Additionally, you can sell Square Gift Cards to customers through your online store when the Gift Card feature is enabled.
- The WooCommerce checkout process should now include a section for entering and using Square Gift Cards as a payment method.
Test steps:
- Goto Wp-admin dashboard
- Goto Woocommerce > Product > Add a new product
- Add a product name (Giftcard name)
- Navigate to product data and add Gitftcard price
- Navigate to product data and Mark the product as a gift card by enabling the Square gift card checkbox
- Publish product
- Goto shop page > select a gift card
- Enter a detail
- Process for checkout
Expected Result:
This gift card product is now available for customers to purchase on your online store. Customers can select the gift card product, set the desired gift card value by entering the amount they wish to purchase, and proceed to checkout.
The Gift Card section, with the Square payment method, should be available during the checkout process.
Customers will be able to successfully purchase the Square Gift Card, and the recipient will receive the gift card via email.
Test steps:
- Goto newly created Gift card product
- Add required details like (gift card number)
- Add to cart and process for checkout
Expected Result:
- Customers who already have a Square Gift Card with a valid Gift Card number can add additional funds to their existing gift card.
- The system should recognize this number and allow the customer to add funds to the associated Gift Card.
Test steps:
- Add to the cart any product, ( A product price should be higher than a gift card value )
- Process for checkout
- Enter the Gift card number
- Enter credit card or use saved credit card for the remaining amount
- Process for checkout
Expected result:
By following these steps, customers should be able to split the payment for their purchase between a Square Gift Card and a Credit Card.
During checkout, there should be an option to enter the Square Gift Card number. After entering the Gift Card number, the system should calculate the remaining amount to be paid by the customer.
Customers should be able to complete the remaining payment using their credit card
The checkout process should be successful, and the order should be confirmed, with the payment split between the Square Gift Card and the credit card.
The refund should be processed back to the original payment methods, with the portion paid by the Square Gift Card being refunded to the gift card balance and the portion paid by the Credit Card being refunded to the credit card used.
Note: Square Gift card no for sandbox testing doc here 7783 3200 0000 0000
Test steps:
- Goto wp-admin dashboard
- Goto woocommerce > settings > Email
- Navigate to Square Gift Card sent
- Check for enable/disble
- Enter required details (subject,heading,additional content, email type)
- Save the changes
Expected Result:
The WooCommerce settings should provide an option to enable or disable the "Square Gift Card Sent" email notification.
If enabled, users should be able to customize the content of this email, including the subject, heading, additional content, and email type.
After saving the changes, when a gift card is sent to a recipient, an email notification with the configured content should be sent to the gift card recipient. This email should provide all information about the gift card.
Verify checkout using WooCommerce Blocks
Test Steps
- Download and Install WooCommerce checkout block extension
- Goto WP Dashboard
- Edit a cart page and add Cart block > and Update
- Edit a checkout page and add Checkout block > and Update
- Add Product to Cart and proceed to checkout
Expected Result
- The WooCommerce checkout block extension works seamlessly with Square
- Verify that the Square payment option is displayed as a payment method on the checkout page.
- Check the order confirmation page to ensure that the payment method is listed as Square
- Also allow users to pay using digital wallets like (Gpay, or Apple Pay)
- Also compatible with Cash app pay
Test steps:
- Goto WP Dashboard
- Goto WooCommerce > Payments > Cash App Pay (Square)
- Check for enable/disable
Expected Result:
- The payment gateway can be enabled or disabled from the WooCommerce settings.
- The "Manage" button appears if the payment gateway is enabled.
- The "Finish Set-up" button appears if the payment gateway is disabled.
- If enabled, the checkbox in the Cash app should work accordingly.
- If disabled, the checkbox Cash app should not appear in the checkout
Test Steps:
- Goto WP Dashboard
- Goto WooCommerce > Payments > Cash App Pay (Square)
- Enter the "Title" and "Description"
- Save Changes
Expected Result:
- Title and Description should appear on the checkout page
- Title Should appear in WooCommerce > Payments > Cash App Pay (Square)
Test Steps:
- Goto WP Dashboard
- Goto WooCommerce > Payments > Cash App Pay (Square)
- Select Dark or Light
- Save Changes
Expected Result:
The selected theme (Dark or Light) should be applied to the Cash App Pay button on the checkout page.
Screenshot - Dark Theme
Screenshot - Light Theme
Test Steps:
- Goto WP Dashboard
- Goto WooCommerce > Payments > Cash App Pay (Square)
- Select Dark or Light
- Save Changes
Expected Result:
The selected button shape (Semiround, Round) should be applied to the Cash App Pay button on the checkout page.
Screenshot - Round button shape
Screenshot - SemiRound button shape
Test Steps:
- Add to the cart any product (except Pre-order and subscription products)
- Goto Cart and Process for Checkout
- Select Cash app for payment
- Click on the Cash App payment button to proceed.
- A popup should appear with a barcode.
- Open the Cash App mobile application on your device.
- Use the Cash App scanner to scan the barcode.
- Confirm and approve the transaction within the Cash App.
Expected Result:
- The transaction should be successfully processed.
- The WooCommerce order status should be updated to reflect the successful payment.
- If the user closes or ignores the popup without completing the Cash App transaction, the WooCommerce payment process should not proceed.
- Device type "Desktop" should be mentioned in the order attribution section
Test Steps:
- Open Mobile Browser like ( Safari, Chrome)
- Enter Store Url
- Add to the cart any product (except Pre-order and subscription products)
- Goto Cart and Process for Checkout
- Select Cash app for payment
- Click on the Cash App payment button to proceed.
- Redirect to the cash app mobile application
- Confirm and approve the transaction within the Cash App.
- Redirect back to the checkout page
- Click on the place order button
Expected Result:
- The transaction should be successfully processed.
- The WooCommerce order status should be updated to reflect the successful payment.
- If the user closes or ignores the popup without completing the Cash App transaction, the WooCommerce payment process should not proceed.
- Device type "Mobile" should be mentioned in the order attribution section
Test Steps:
- Add to the cart any product (except Pre-order and subscription products)
- Goto Cart and Process for Checkout
- Enter shipping and billing addresses located in the USA
- Enter shipping and billing addresses located outside the USA.
- Review the available payment methods.
Expected Result:
If the Cash App is configured to be available only for customers in the USA, it should not appear as a payment method when the shipping or billing address is set to a location outside the USA.
Test Steps
- Open an order made through Square from WooCommerce > Orders
- Click on the Refund button
- Enter the refund amount and a reason(optional)
- Click on Refund via Cash app pay (square)
- Observe the order note message
- Cross verify the refund amount and message in the Square Dashboard under Transactions.
Expected Result
The refund process for orders paid through the Cash app pay (square) payment gateway can be initiated successfully.
Verify the functionality of the "Authorization" transaction type.
Test Steps
- Navigate the WooCommerce setting > Payment > Cash App Pay (Square)
- Select transaction type > Authorization
- Save the changes
- Place an order with Cash App Pay.
- Go to Edit order and verify that the order status is "On Hold," and the order notes contain the note Cash App Pay (Square) Test Authorization Approved for an amount of xx.xx.
- Click the "Capture Charge" button.
Expected Result
- If the transaction Type setting is set to “Authorization”, you can manually capture these payments from the WooCommerce > Orders page.
- An authorized transaction can be captured for up to 6 days; after 6 days, you must ask the customer to re-authorize the transaction to capture payment.
- A captured amount cannot differ from the authorized amount.
- verify that it captures the payment, after capture payment updating the order status "Processing" accordingly.
Verify the functionality of the "Authorization" transaction type with options to charge virtual-only orders.
Test Steps
- Navigate the WooCommerce setting > Payment > Cash App Pay (Square)
- Select transaction type > Authorization
- Select Charge Virtual-Only Orders
- Save the changes
- Add a virtual product to the cart and place an order with Cash App Pay.
Expected Result
Verify that the order payment is already charged, and the order status is updated accordingly.
Verify the functionality of the "Authorization" transaction type with options to charge Capture Paid orders.
Test Steps
- Navigate the WooCommerce setting > Payment > Cash App Pay (Square)
- Select transaction type > Authorization
- Select Charge Capture Paid Orders
- Save the changes
- Place an order with Cash App Pay.
- Goto Edit order, and verify update the order status to "processing" or "Completed"
Expected Result
Verify that the charge for the order is captured automatically when they are changed status changed to Processing or Completed.
Test steps:
- Navigate the WooCommerce setting > Payment > Cash App Pay (Square)
- Select transaction type > Charge
- Save the changes
- Place an order with Cash App Pay.
Expected Result:
- Goto Edit order, and verify update the order status should be "processing"
- Automatically capture orders.
Test steps:
- Goto WordPress backend > Woocmmerce > Settings > General
- Change Currency and Set your store up using EUR
- Use a business location using another currency such as USD
- See the error appear in the WP admin
Expected Result:
- The Square payment method should not be available for selection or should be disabled in the payment method settings due to the currency mismatch between the store currency and the business location currency.
- A clear error message should inform the user that Square payment is not supported
Test steps:
- Create a gift card product.
- Go to the product page on the front-end of the web store, choose "Buy a new gift card," enter details, and add the product to the cart.
- Go to the checkout and verify that Cash App Pay is available in the listed payment methods.
- Place an order using the Cash App Pay gateway and verify that the order is placed successfully.
- Verify that the gift card is created and activated.
- Verify that an email is sent to the recipient.
- Go to the gift card product page again, choose "Add value to an existing gift card," and add the product to the cart.
- Place an order using the Cash App Pay gateway and verify that the order is placed successfully.
Expected result:
- Cash App Pay should be available as a payment option during checkout for purchasing both new gift cards and adding value to existing gift cards.
- The order should be successfully placed using Cash App Pay.
- The gift card should be created and activated for new purchases or topped up with additional value for existing cards.
- An email notification should be sent to the recipient for both new gift card purchases and top-up transactions.
- Upon completion of the orders, the gift card should reflect the purchased or added value in the user's account.
- The transactions should be recorded accurately in the system, reflecting the correct amounts and payment status.
Note: Square Gift card no for sandbox testing doc here 7783 3200 0000 0000
Pre-requisites: Install Subscription Extension
Test steps:
- Create a simple subscription product
- Add to cart and checkout
- Process payment with new square credit card
Expected Result:
- The payment should be processed successfully using the new Square credit card.
- The new subscription should be display under subscription
Test steps:
- Create a simple subscription product
- Add to cart and checkout
- Process payment with a Save square credit card
Expected Result:
- The payment should be processed successfully using the new Square credit card.
- The new subscription should be displayed under the subscription
Test steps:
- Create a simple subscription product
- Add to cart and checkout
- Process payment with a Save or New square credit card
- got to particular subscription and renew with square credit card
Expected Result:
- Manual renewal is processed successfully using the Square credit card.
Test steps:
- Goto my account > Subscription
- Select any subscription
- Navigate to Actions > Change the subscription payment method
- Select any other square credit card and click on change payment method button
Expected Result:
- The user can select a different Square credit card from the list or add a new one.
- The payment method for the subscription is updated successfully and used for future renewal subscriptions.
- Download and install Pre-order extension
Test Sptes:
- Create a pre-order "upfront" product
- Add to cart and checkout with Square credit card
Expected Result:
- The payment is processed successfully using the Square credit card.
Test Sptes:
- Create a pre-order "upfront" product
- Add to cart and checkout with Cashapp
Expected Result:
- The payment is processed successfully using the Square credit card.
Test Sptes:
- Create a pre-order "upon release" product
- Add to cart and checkout with Square credit card
Expected Result:
- The payment is processed successfully using the Square credit card.
Note: The simple product should be removed and a warning should show up that the product was removed and the Pre-Order product was added
- A subscription extension is installed and the subscription product is created in WooCommerce.
- Test below both scenario with Shortcode and block base checkout
Scenario 1: Guest user creation During Checkout for simple Products
Test Steps:
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy.
- Disable Guest Checkout.
- Account creation > Enable Allow customers to create an account during checkout.
- Open an incognito browser window.
- Visit the WooCommerce store and add a simple product to the cart.
- Proceed to checkout and use an email address that is not associated with any existing user account on the site.
- Choose Square credit card as the payment method.
- Complete the checkout process.
Expected Result:
- Ensure that the order is placed successfully.
- Confirm that a new user account is created with the provided email.
Scenario 2: Guest user creation During Checkout for Subscription Products
Test Steps:
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy.
- Disable Guest Checkout.
- Account creation > Enable Allow customers to create an account during checkout.
- Ensure a subscription product is available in your WooCommerce store.
- Open an incognito browser window.
- Visit the WooCommerce store and add the subscription product to the cart.
- Proceed to checkout and use an email address that is not associated with any existing user account on the site.
- Choose Square credit card as the payment method.
- Complete the checkout process.
Expected Result:
- Ensure that the subscription is created successfully.
- Confirm that a new user account is created with the provided email.
- A subscription extension is installed and the subscription product is created in WooCommerce.
- Test below both scenario with Shortcode and block base checkout
Scenario 1: Guest user creation During Checkout for simple Products
Test Steps:
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy.
- Disable Guest Checkout.
- Account creation > Enable Allow customers to create an account during checkout.
- Open an incognito browser window.
- Visit the WooCommerce store and add a simple product to the cart.
- Proceed to checkout and use an email address that is not associated with any existing user account on the site.
- Choose Cash app Pay as the payment method.
- Complete the checkout process.
Expected Result:
- Ensure that the order is placed successfully.
- Confirm that a new user account is created with the provided email.
Scenario 2: Guest user creation During Checkout for Subscription Products
Test Steps:
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Accounts & Privacy.
- Disable Guest Checkout.
- Account creation > Enable Allow customers to create an account during checkout.
- Ensure a subscription product is available in your WooCommerce store.
- Open an incognito browser window.
- Visit the WooCommerce store and add the subscription product to the cart.
- Proceed to checkout and use an email address that is not associated with any existing user account on the site.
- Choose Cash app Pay as the payment method.
- Complete the checkout process.
Expected Result:
- Ensure that the subscription is created successfully.
- Confirm that a new user account is created with the provided email.