A Python implementation of Random Vector Functional Link Networks and Broad Learning Systems using the Sklearn API
pip install rvfln
Since the API is based on that of sklearn the usage is very similar. The package contains:
- An rvfln module containing a regressor and a classifier estimator
- A bls module containing a regressor and a classifier estimator
from rvfln.bls import BLSClassifier
clf = BLSClassifier(
n_z = 10,
n_z_features = 400,
n_h = 2000,
alpha = 1
).fit(x_train, y_train)
print(clf.score(x_test, y_test))
YOH-HAN PAO, STEPHEN M. PHILLIPS & DEJAN J. SOBAJIC (1992) Neural-net computing and the intelligent control of systems, International Journal of Control, 56:2, 263-289, DOI: 10.1080/00207179208934315