In this tutorial,
We will learn to program the USB Virtual serial port of a PC using Visual and .NET platform [.NET Framework 4.5 +,.NET Core,.Net8/9] on Windows and Linux Systems
The code will Work on the following .NET platforms
- Classical .NET Framework 4.5+
- .NET Framework 4.8+
- .NET Core 3+
- .Net 8/9
Following OS are supported
- Windows 10
- Windows 11
- Linux (Ubuntu)
Serial Port programming tutorial using VisualBasic.NET on the .NET Platform
Serial Port programming tutorial using VisualBasic.NET on Linux Platform
Discover How to program your PC's serial port using VisualBasic.Net and the .NET Platform in our tutorial. Learn to communicate with Arduino, microcontrollers, and Labjack devices via Virtual COM port connections.The tutorial will Enhance your embedded system coding skills and help in your professional Growth.
Tutorial will teach the following things.
- Creating a VB.Net Project,add required namespaces using nuget on Visual Studio Community
- Using the SerialPort Class from System.IO.Ports namespace
- How to interface Arduino with PC using (visual Basic.NET)VB.NET Serial Communication
- Interfacing Bare Microcontroller like 8051,ATmega to a PC using VB.Net using SerialPort
- Finding Available Serial Ports on your PC using Visual Basic.Net
- Using Exceptions to handle Errors in Serial Port Programming
- Reading data send by Arduino from Serial Port using (visual Basic.NET)
- Setting Timeouts in Serial Port Read Operations
- Sending Data from PC to Arduino using VB.Net(visual Basic.NET)
Arduino_String_Transmit_Loop - Arduino Code to send data to PC
- ConfigSerialParam.vb
- FindAvailablePorts.vb
- SerialCommRead.vb
- SerialCommWrite.vb
- SerialPortExceptVB.vb
- SimpleReadDataSerialPort.vb
Visual_Studio_Project_Solution - VS Studio Community sln