- we have updated our CDNet to the newer version of TensorFlow, dataloader is also improved.
A python implemenation of Wide-Band Color Imagery Restoration for RGB-NIR Single Sensor Images using Tensorflow.
Multi-spectral RGB-NIR sensors have become ubiquitous in recent years. These sensors allow the visible and near-infrared spectral bands of a given scene to be captured at the same time. With such cameras, the acquired imagery has a compromised RGB color representation due to near-infrared bands (700–1100 nm) cross-talking with the visible bands (400–700 nm). This paper proposes two deep learning-based architectures to recover the full RGB color images, thus removing the NIR information from the visible bands. The proposed approaches directly restore the high-resolution RGB image by means of convolutional neural networks. They are evaluated with several outdoor images; both architectures reach a similar performance when evaluated in different scenarios and using different similarity metrics. The dataset used for the training and testing is OMSIV from SSMID.
Two different CNN-based architectures are proposed. The first one consists of a Convolutional and Deconvolutional Neural Network (CDNet) that is formed by two and four hidden layers, respectively (see Figs. below). the output layer gives a predicted image ~RGB supervised by the ground truth image (RGB), in summary, ~RGB= CDNet(RGB+N,RGB), where RGB+N is a color image corrumpted by NIR information because of cross-talking.
ENDENet (second row in the Fig. below), has the same characteristics and parameters, the difference is the encoding and decoding process in the convolution and deconvolutional stage.
All code was developed and tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with Python 3.5 and Tensorflow 1.8
Before running the code, you need to download
(old dataset) the dataset for training and testing.
(updated dataset) Please, before download the OMSIV dataset visit this page where you could find the OMSIV update details.
Once your dataset is downloaded please go to train.py
tf.app.flags.DEFINE_bool('use_base_dir', False, """True when you are going to put the base directory of OMSIV dataset""")
if FLAGS.use_base_bir:
tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string('dataset_dir', 'put your base dataset directory', """example:dataset""")
tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string('dataset_dir', '/opt/dataset', """The default path to the patches dataset""")
Set use_base_dir as True (now is False), it means the dataset should be initialized with the base directory (The whole directory where omsiv have uncompressed), for example, if the omsiv is into color_restorer/dataset, the dataset_dir have to be dataset_dir='dataset' and if it is in Download dataset_dir='/home/user_name/Downloads'
Python 3.7
Tensorflow 2.2 or higher
If you use this code for your research, please cite our papers.
author={X. Soria and A. D. Sappa and A. Akbarinia},
booktitle={2017 Seventh International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA)},
title={Multispectral single-sensor RGB-NIR imaging: New challenges and opportunities},
keywords={cameras;computer vision;hyperspectral imaging;image colour analysis;image resolution;image restoration;image sensors;infrared imaging;neural nets;;RGBN outdoor dataset;color distortion;color restoration;multispectral single-sensor RGB-NIR imaging;near infrared spectral bands;single sensor multispectral images;specular materials;visible spectral bands;Image color analysis;Image restoration;Sensitivity;Vegetation mapping;Color restoration;Multispectral images;Neural networks;RGB-NIR dataset;Single-sensor cameras},
Restoration approach:
title={Wide-Band Color Imagery Restoration for RGB-NIR Single Sensor Images.},
author={Soria, X and Sappa, AD and Hammoud, RI},
journal={Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)},