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ColorPicker edited this page Mar 5, 2018 · 6 revisions


Derives from Control

The ColorPicker is an editor that allows a user to pick a color from predefined color palettes. By default, there are 140 available colors and 10 predefined standard colors. You can use your own custom color palettes by setting the AvailableColors and StandardColors properties accordingly. You can also get/set the recently used colors by using the RecentColors property.

Display (DisplayColorAndName = true/false)

Expanded Standard

Expanded Advanced


Property Description
AdvancedButtonHeader Gets or sets a value representing the text to use for the "Advanced" button in the ColorPicker's popup.
AvailableColors Gets or sets all colors that are available to the user for selection.
AvailableColorsHeader Gets or sets the header text of the Available Colors section.
AvailableColorSortingMode Gets or sets the way the Available colors are sorted (Alphabetical or by HueSaturationBrightness). By default, Alphabetical.
ButtonStyle Gets or sets the dropdown button style.
ColorMode Gets or sets the current display of the ColorPicker (ColorPalette or ColorCanvas). By default, ColorPalette.
DisplayColorAndName Gets or sets a value indicating if the control should display the color, or the color and color name.
DisplayColorTooltip Gets or sets if Tooltips will be shown in the popup of the ColorPicker to display the preset color names. Default is True.
IsOpen Gets or sets the value indicating if the color dropdown is open.
RecentColors Gets or sets all the recently selected colors.
RecentColorsHeader Gets or sets the header text of the Recent Colors section.
SelectedColor Gets or sets the currently selected color.
SelectedColorText Gets the known color name, or the color hexadecimal string of the SelectedColor.
ShowAdvancedButton Gets or sets the visibility of the Advance color mode button.
ShowAvailableColors Gets or sets the visibility of the AvailableColors.
ShowDropDownButton Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dropdown button is shown.
ShowRecentColors Gets or sets the visibility of the RecentColors (false by default).
ShowStandardColors Gets or sets the visibility of the StandardColors.
StandardButtonHeader Gets or sets the text to use for the "Standard" button in the ColorPicker's popup.
StandardColors Gets or sets a standard color palette.
StandardColorsHeader Gets or sets the header text of the Standard Colors section.
UsingAlphaChannel Gets a value indicating whether the alpha channel is being used.


Event Description
SelectedColorChanged Raised when the SelectedColor value changes.

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