Details are available on my blog
macOS 10.13.6 :
Sound card graphics card works
CPU processor Turbo works
加载 XCPM 原生电源管理,睡眠唤醒正常
Load XCPM native power management sleep wakeup works
USB2.0, 3.0, 3.1 work
HDMI 输出 DP 输出测试正常
HDMI output DP output test is works
USB端口定制版本 Custom version of USB port
X99A-GAMING-PRO-CARBON主板请使用这个版本X99A-GAMING-PRO-CARBON motherboard please use this version
其他X99主板Other X99 motherboards
# Hackintosh-X99A-GAMING-PRO-CARBON-i7-6800k-AMD RX590
#macOS 10.14.6 :
Sound card graphics card works
CPU processor Turbo works
加载 XCPM 原生电源管理,睡眠唤醒正常
Load XCPM native power management sleep wakeup works
USB2.0, 3.0, 3.1 work
HDMI 输出 DP 输出测试正常
HDMI output DP output test is works
#macOS 10.15.3:
Sound card graphics card works
CPU processor Turbo works
无法加载 XCPM 原生电源管理
Not Load XCPM native power management sleep wakeup works
USB2.0, 3.0, 3.1 work
HDMI 输出 DP 输出测试正常
HDMI output DP output test is works
更新 加入驱动RadeonBoost.kext,支持RX590版本,用于注入显卡vbios,其他版本请查看以下链接<br>
Update to add driver RadeonBoost.kext, support RX590 version, used to inject graphics card vbios, other versions please check the following link<br >
更新 CLOVER EFI bootloader r5112<br>
Update CLOVER EFI bootloader r5112 <br>
更新 cpu变频脚本生成ssdt.aml<br>
Update cpu frequency conversion script to generate ssdt.aml <br>
更改 ACPI > DropOEM 勾选<br>
Change ACPI> DropOEM check
更改 Acpi > 右下角 SortedOrder 添加“ssdt.aml”,所有ssdt文件全部添加入这里进行加载
Change Acpi> SortedOrder in the lower right corner, add "ssdt.aml", all ssdt files are added here to load
Update CLOVER EFI bootloader r5109<br>
Update Lilu.kext to 1.4.3
Update WhateverGreen.kext to 1.3.8
Update VirtualSMC.kext to 1.1.2
Change the memory correction driver to AptioMemoryFix.efi ,MemoryAllocation.efi (if you can't start, please see the memory correction section later)
Add SSDT to extract dsdt. aml, ssdt-hpet.aml and ssdt-plug.aml extracted from the section
Update CLOVER EFI bootloader r5107
Update Lilu.kext to 1.4.3
Update WhateverGreen.kext to 1.3.8
Update AppleALC.kext to 1.4.8
Change the memory correction driver to OsxAptioFix2Drv-64.efi (if you can't start, please see the memory correction section later)
Added X99_SSDT-_L0D.aml patch, ACPI injected a related supporting patch
Added X99_SSDT-IRQ.aml patch, ACPI injected four matching patches
Added ALZA, HPET, PNLF, PRW, SMBS patches
Add dsdt fix X99 Error-9 Address Min is greater than Address Max-Fixed by N. Mano
Add device patch, system report PCI, rename display device to AMD Radeon RX 590, AMD Radeon RX 590 HDMI Audio
Added CPUFriend.kext processor dynamic power injection
Update CLOVER EFI bootloader r5105 latest version
Update Lilu.kext to the latest version
Update WhateverGreen.kext to the latest version
Update AppleALC.kext to the latest version
Update USBInjectAll.kext to the latest version
Remove FakeSMC.kext and use VirtualSMC.kext and related sensor drivers
Remove TSCAdjustReset.kext and use VoodooTSCSync.kext instead
Remove CodecCommander.kext because this driver has been merged into AppleALC.kext
Removed drives are moved to the Off directory for selection