Step-by-step guide to build 12-Factor cloud native apps with Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS, Grails and AngularJS
Spring Cloud focuses on providing good out of box experience for typical use cases and extensibility mechanism to cover others.
- Distributed/versioned configuration
- Service registration and discovery
- Routing
- Service-to-service calls
- Load balancing
- Circuit Breakers
- Global locks
- Leadership election and cluster state
- Distributed messaging
- Netflix Eureka: Service registry & discovery
- Netflix Hystrix: Resiliency - Circuit breaker, Fallback, Concurrency, RxJava
- Netflix Hystrix Dashboard: Monitoring and metrics dashboard
- Netflix Turbine: Aggregate hystrix streams
- Netflix Ribbon: Client-side load-balancing
- Netflix Zuul: Reverse proxy for API gateway
- Spring Cloud Config: Centralized configuration
- Spring Cloud Bus: PubSub messaging over RabbitMQ
- Spring Cloud Security: SSO for APIs - OAuth/JWT
- Logging: Centralized logging - Logstash, ES, Kibana (LEK)
- Swagger: API Docs
Starting Order
Kafka -> Euraka -> Config -> (Producer, GORM, ...), -> (Zuul, Turbine, Hystrix Dashboard)
start following two apps, one at a time as they use same port.
Starting Tweetable App
cd tweetable
spring run .
Starting Mongo Example
cd mongo
spring run .
Starting Eureka Server
cd eureka
spring run .
Starting Config Server
cd config
spring run .
Start up Producer Service
cd producer
spring run .
Starting Gorm Service
cd gorm
spring run .
Starting Monitoring App
cd hystrix-dashboard
spring run .
Starting mybatis Service
Follow instructions mybatis
Starting Aggregate Service
Follow instructions aggregator
Starting API Gateway
cd zuul
spring run .
Starting Blog App