Provides the ability to transfer packets between Mindustry clients for network play.
Everything you need to connect is in my Scheme Size mod. Just host the game and create a room in a special dialog next to the open server button, then copy the link and send it to your friend who can connect using it.
You will need java 17
Download the repository and compile using the ./gradlew shadowJar
Then using the jar located at build/libs/claj-server.jar
, start the server with the command java -jar claj-server.jar port
and replace port with the one you need.
For local testing, the command ./gradlew runClajServer
is provided, this will be available at the port 8000
host - the player who hosted the game and created a room on the server.
server - a remote machine that transmits packets from a client to a host.
client - a player connecting via a link to a host through a server.
link - a string containing the room key, ip and port of the server.
room - an object that exists only on the server, serving as a container for connections to the host and client.