Releases: yasserfarouk/negmas
Improved CLI
This release contains several bugfixes and speed improvements. Most notably, the negotiate CLI now has a much better documentation which can be accessed as:
negotiate --help
All participants in ANAC 2024 are encouraged to upgrade to this version.
ANAC 2024 Release
This is the first official release for the ANAC 2024 competition.
This release adds Cartesian Tournaments which will be used by the ANL league and includes various bugfixes and performance improvements.
ANAC 2023 first draft release
First release for ANAC 2023
This release includes all the components and interfaces needed to run ANL 2023 and SCML 2023. The most important changes are adding cartesian_tournament() to run simple negotiation tournaments and supporting externally defined actions in all mechanisms to support using RL in SCML 2023.
For participants in ANAC 2023, it is ALWAYS recommended to use the latest version of negmas and whatever other libraries you are using in you development for the competition.
Preparing to support exposition for RL libraries
removing offer from SAO's respond() method.
allowing users to step worlds from the point of view of a set of agents ignoring simulation step boundaries and passing external actions if needed. See World.step() for details.
Generalized Bargaining and Simplified Interfaces
This version adds support for python 3.11 and drops support for python 3.8 and 3.9
We introduce a generalized form of bargaining and prepare for a major release (0.10) in which developing new agents and negotiators will be much simplified by allowing users to just use a single function for negotiators, reducing dependence on controllers and other simplifications.
v0.9.3 minor update
This release contains bugfixes and some speed improvements. Check the history for all changes.
All participants in SCML 2022 should upgrade to this version.
Performance Improvement
This release is a set of performance improvements over v0.9.0 which introduced a major refactoring of negmas.
More robust sync controller
v0.8.8 v0.8.8
Negotiation Tournaments (and minor bug fixes)
v0.8.7 v0.8.7
Better Synchronized Negotiations
This release adds two features:
- Better synchronized negotiations in SAOSyncController with fewer loop breakages due to loops and with a guarantee to never lose offers.
- Initial implementation of a negotiation-only tournament to easily test negotiation strategies without the need to construct worlds for them. See