This is an R package to help the SKKU modern statistical methods project. It is basically based on the paper
# install.packages("remotes")
package aims at estimating propensity score with machine
learning methods as in the paper mentioned above.
The package provides simulation function that generates the dataset in the paper:
and additional toy datasets. Consider simulation.
The most simplest scenario, i.e. additivity and linearity model:
(x <- sim_outcome(1000, covmat = build_covariate()))
#> w1 w2 w3 w4 w5 w6 w7 w8 w9 w10 exposure y
#> 1: 0 -0.0234 1 1.397 0 0 -0.2294 0 1 -0.865 0 -101.50
#> 2: 0 -0.8632 0 -0.144 1 0 1.1669 1 0 2.907 1 1.41
#> 3: 1 -2.4124 1 -0.224 0 0 -1.7911 1 0 1.695 0 174.52
#> 4: 1 -0.7639 0 -0.838 1 0 -1.1463 0 0 -1.809 0 -65.72
#> 5: 1 1.1810 0 0.352 0 1 0.8446 0 1 -0.344 0 -3.22
#> ---
#> 996: 0 0.9541 0 1.736 1 1 2.3953 0 1 -0.510 1 -73.39
#> 997: 1 -1.0332 0 0.703 0 0 -0.1423 0 1 -0.143 1 6.69
#> 998: 1 -2.3697 1 0.068 1 0 0.4174 0 0 0.291 0 -2.68
#> 999: 1 0.8074 1 -0.834 0 1 -0.7798 0 0 -0.430 0 -3.21
#> 1000: 1 -0.3249 0 1.176 0 1 -0.0487 0 1 -0.394 1 -88.73
#> exposure_prob
#> 1: 0.500
#> 2: 0.849
#> 3: 0.588
#> 4: 0.538
#> 5: 0.104
#> ---
#> 996: 0.992
#> 997: 0.352
#> 998: 0.155
#> 999: 0.168
#> 1000: 0.935
(fit_rf <-
x %>%
ps_rf(exposure ~ . - y - exposure_prob, data = .))
#> Call:
#> randomForest(formula = formula, data = .)
#> Type of random forest: classification
#> Number of trees: 500
#> No. of variables tried at each split: 3
#> OOB estimate of error rate: 47.2%
#> Confusion matrix:
#> 0 1 class.error
#> 0 266 232 0.466
#> 1 240 262 0.478
We have defined the class named propmod
for some usage.
#> [1] "propmod"
Estimating propensity score:
estimate_ps(fit_rf) %>% head()
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6
#> 0.433 0.584 0.500 0.548 0.446 0.364