Peeling Rage is my personal blog/website. I use it to document the things I am learning using my own words. It is inspired from the idea that the best way to learn is to teach as well as swyx's learn in public blog post.
I usually enjoy unraveling abstractions, and more often that not, I find myself spending a lot of time trying to understand how X works under the hood. I am not always successful unfortunately, but I do enjoy trying. With that being said, unraveling often happens from top to bottom, layer by layer .. just like an ... onion. The "Rage" part is inspired from "Road Rage". A similiar feeling of frustration I start having when I start "peeling" too much 😓 or loose myself in details.
I have also used this little project as an opportunity to get exposed to GatsbyJS and learn some more about it. For the same reasons, I have also used tailwindcss as a css framework after having used Material-Ui for the majority of my projects.
The gatsby site builds on top of andrezzoid's gatsby-starter-blog-tailwindcss.