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ZetaPush SDK

This module is a SDK to connect to the ZetaPush platform with Python. (Only with Python3)


pip3 install zetapush_python



First, we need to import 2 objets to use the ZetaPush SDK :

  • Client
  • Service

The Client is used to handle the connection with the ZetaPush backend and the Service is used to call services from the client. In particular, the service to call macroscripts.

To import them we write :

from zetapush_python import Client
from zetapush_python import Service

Connection to ZetaPush backend

First, we need the create the Client to handle the connection :

zpClient = Client(businessId="Rj7PY_1I", apiUrl="")

The businessId is the identifier of the sandbox in the ZetaPush back-end. For ZetaPush, a sandbox includes the whole application back-end. Then, we have the apiUrl. It is optional in production. During the development we send you the apiUrl if necessary.

Now, we need to launch the connection with our credentials. For this example we use this credentials :

  • login : "user"

  • password: "password"

     zpClient.connect(login="user", password="password")

If we want to connect to the ZetaPush platform as Weak connection, we need to don't send the login and password parameters. By default, the SDK use the authentication service named weak_0.

Set the authentication service

If we need to set the authentication service name, we can write the parameter authenticationService. In this case we need also to write the parameter authenticationType to define the type of authentication we use. ('simple' or 'weak').

For example we can write :

zpClient.connect(authenticationService="simple_1", authenticationType="simple")

Callback connection

It is useful to launch a function when the connection is established. For this we implement the onConnectionSuccess() method :

def onConnectionSuccess():

zpClient.onConnectionSuccess = onConnectionSuccess

Call a macroscript

In this step, we call a macroscript. For this, we need to configure a service that manage the macroscript calls.

serviceMacro = Service("macro_0", zpClient)

Here macro_0 is the deployment ID of our macroscript service. By default we use macro_0. zpClient is our Client that we previously create.

In our example, we want to call a macroscript named test that takes 2 parameters num1 and num2. The macroscript return the sum of num1 and num2 in a object named result.

To call the macroscript we use :

serviceMacro.send('test', { 'num1': 3, 'num2': 5})

To listen the result we need to define a function and affect it to the result :

def handleTest(params):
	print("result => ", params['result']

serviceMacro.on('test', handleTest)

Stop the communication with ZetaPush

To disconnect an user to the ZetaPush platform we can use :


Then, it is necessary to properly close the communication with the ZetaPush backend at the end of the program. For this we use :


Send JSON in macro

We can also send JSON in a macroscript.

In our example we have a macroscript named testJson(name, data) that have 2 parameters :

  • name : String
  • data : Map (or JSON)

We can call this macroscript with this syntax :

serviceMacro.send('testJson', { 'name': 'sensor1', 'data': { 'value': 15, 'unit': 'ppm' }} )

Complete example

Here we have a complete example that launch a connection to the ZetaPush platform, call a macroscript named test, print his result and close the communication after few seconds :

from zetapush_python import Client
from zetapush_python import Service
import time

# Create the Client to handle the connection with ZetaPush 
zpClient = Client(businessId="Rj7PY_1I", apiUrl="")

# We create the macro service
serviceMacro = Service("macro_0", zpClient)

# Define a function that will be called when the connection is established
def onConnectionSuccessful():

    # We call the macroscript 'send'
    serviceMacro.send('test', { 'num1': 3, 'num2': 5})

# We define a function called when the macroscript "test" return us a result
def handleTest(params):
    print("result => ", params['result'])

# Affect a function that will be called when the connection is established
zpClient.onConnectionSuccess = onConnectionSuccessful

# We affect a function to handle the result of the 'test' macroscript
serviceMacro.on('test', handleTest)

# Launch the connection with our credentials
zpClient.connect(login= "user", password= "password")

# Pause the program during 2 secondes

# Properly close the communication with ZetaPush


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