The emergence of
This project provides a pytorch implementation of a
- python>=3.7
- pandas=1.2.4
- numpy=1.23.4
- pytorch>=1.10.0
You can simply install the anaconda environment by
conda env create -f environment.yml
Put xyz files of the your target geometries into a folder (e.g., input_geo) which contains GFN2-xTB optimized geometries of either transition state or individual reactant and product (or both). For multi-molecular reactions, like A+B-->C, we recommend optimize A and B seperately.
Prepare a csv file containing 'name' (match with file name in the input geometry folder) and 'xTB_ene' (xTB level single point energy).
$\Delta^2$ -ML prediction by (-l DFT or -l G4 are avaiable)
python -g input_geo -e xTB_energy.csv -l DFT -o output.csv
- One specific example is:
python -g examples/YARPv2-TSs/input_geo/ -e examples/YARPv2-TSs/xTB_energy.csv -l DFT -o test_YARP2.csv
NOTE 1: All the input and output energies should be/are in Hartree!!!
NOTE 2: Please do not use this model to predict the energies for molecules with less than three heavy atoms, e.g. Nitrogen (N2). For instead, you can easily compute those by yourself or look up the values in "B3LYPDE_TZVP_Ene.json" by SMILES strings (e.g., N#N). For example, you can run the following lines in python to obtain the single point energy of methane:
import json
with open('B3LYPD3_TZVP_Ene.json','r') as f: ene = json.load(f)
To compute the activation energy, users need to first obtain the GFN2-xTB optimized reactant(s) and transition state(s) and then apply the
python -g examples/KHP_barriers/input_geo/ -e examples/KHP_barriers/xTB_energy.csv -l DFT -o KHP_test.csv
In this example, the reactant is named as 'XSASRUDTFFBDDK' and all other geometries are transition states. A simple python script to parse the activation energies is provided:
The output looks like:
Activation energy of XSASRUDTFFBDDK_38_0_0 is 63.14 kcal/mol
Activation energy of XSASRUDTFFBDDK_24_0_1 is 82.20 kcal/mol
Activation energy of XSASRUDTFFBDDK_34_1_0 is 39.24 kcal/mol
In addition to the single point energy prediction, we also trained a model to predict DFT-level enthalpies. Note that this model was only trained on equilibrium structures thus can only be used for enthalpies of reaction prediction. The usage is similar to "":
python -g input_geo -e xTB_energy.csv -o output.csv