主要内容: grpc c++ with bazel
- hello wolrd case
bazel build examples/cpp/helloworld:all
- streaming large data case (grpc memory usage continues to increase)
bazel build examples/cpp/streaming:all
- streaming large data case but Scheduled restart server
bazel build examples/cpp/restart_server:all
workspace 添加依赖
- rules_proto
- rules_proto_grpc
- com_github_grpc_grpc
bazelrc 设置编译条件
build --cxxopt='-std=c++14'
进入grpc release下载电脑对应版本的bazel--installer-.sh
sudo bash bazel-*-installer-*.sh #电脑对应的安装版本文件 export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin" # 根据提示修改为对应的安装位置 bazel --version # 查看版本
export https_proxy=""
export http_proxy=""