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Update vagrant box for RescueMe

Kenneth Gulbrandsøy edited this page Aug 6, 2015 · 8 revisions

Follow this guide when RescueMe requires a new dependency installed on the host system, or if developers need some new development tool pre-installed to make ease the pain of configuring toolchains locally.


  1. Open an command line and

    cd /path/to/rescueme
  2. Start up current version of rescueme/precise64 installed locally

    vagrant up
  3. Log into virtual host

    vagrant ssh
  4. Perform any changes to host

    For example

    sudo apt-get install ...
  5. Delete all RescueMe databases

    Hosts in development contains databases that must be deleted before deploy.

    Use this command

    mysqlshow -u root -pvagrant

    to verify that only these databases exist

    |     Databases      |
    | information_schema |
    | mysql              |
    | performance_schema |
    | phpmyadmin         |

    Delete any other databases found with

    mysqladmin -u root -pvagrant drop <database>
  6. Prepare virtual host for packaging

    sudo apt-get clean
    sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/EMPTY bs=1M && sudo rm -f /EMPTY
    sudo -s && cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history && history -c && exit
  7. Package new version into box

    vagrant package

    which outputs file in working directory

  8. Deploy new version to Atlas [using this guide](Deploy vagrant box for RescueMe)
