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V0.4 Connecting To Terminal Remotely

FormerLurker edited this page May 26, 2020 · 6 revisions

Step 1 - Connect to Your Raspberry Pi

You can connect to your Raspberry Pi one of two ways:

  1. Connect a keyboard, mouse and monitor directly to your Pi. You will probably need to reboot before the HDMI port will start working.
  2. Connect to a terminal (you can download and install Putty if you are working in Windows). To connect, open Putty, click on the 'Session' category. Then enter the IP address of your Pi in the Host Name (or IP address) box. Select SSH from the Connection Type radio button list, and make sure the Port is 22. Then click Open.

Connect to your Raspberry Pi

Note: Other ways of connecting to your Pi exist but are not covered in this guide.

Step 2 - Sign into Your Raspberry Pi

Once you are connected to your Pi, you will be asked to sign in. The default user name is pi and the default password is raspberry.

Sign into your Raspberry Pi

Note: The cursor will NOT change while typing in your password, which makes it difficult to enter correctly. Alternatively, you can copy your password and paste it into Putty with a single right-click.

Optional step - Change Your Password

I strongly recommend that you change your password if you are using the default. You can use the command passwd to change your password.

Change your password

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