A MATRIX library for C++ users
Following are the features of MatLibCpp
matrix <typename> a(row_size,column_size, const initial_value)
matrix <int> a(2,2,4); Matrix a will be: 4 4 4 4
matrix <typename> a(row_size,column_size)
matrix <int> a(2,2); Matrix a will be: 0 0 0 0
matrix <typename> a;
matrix <int> a;
matrix <typename> a(const std :: vector < std :: vector <typename> > &)
vector <vector <int> > b={{1,2},{2,3}} matrix <int> a = b; Matrix a will be: 1 2 2 3
matrix <typename> a(const std :: initializer_list < std :: initializer_list <typename> > &)
matrix <int> a = {{1,2},{2,3}}; Matrix a will be: 1 2 2 3
- a(i,j) will give the required element
matrix <typename> :: matrix <typename> operator + or += (matrix <typename> & val)
matrix <int> a(2, 2, 5),b(2, 2, 5); a+=b; auto c=a+b; Matrix a and c will become: 10 10 10 10
matrix <typename> :: matrix <typename> operator - or -= (matrix <typename> & val)
matrix <int> a(2, 2, 5),b(2, 2, 4); a+=b; auto c=a+b; Matrix a and c will become: 1 1 1 1
matrix <typename> :: matrix <typename> operator * or *= (matrix <typename> & val)
matrix <int> a(2, 2, 1),b(2, 2, 2); a*=b; auto c=a*b; Matrix a and c will become: 4 4 4 4
matrix <typename> :: void operator * or *= (const typename& val)
matrix <int> a(2, 2, 1); a*=4.0; auto c=a*4.0; Matrix a is: 4 4 4 4 Matric c: 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
matrix <typename> :: void operator / or /= (const typename& val)
matrix <int> a(2, 2, 1); a/=2.0; auto c=a/2.0; Matrix a is: 0 0 0 0 Matric c is: 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
matrix <typename> :: void operator % or %= (const typename& val)
matrix <int> a(2, 2, 10); a%=4; auto c=a%4; Matrix a and c will be: 2 2 2 2
matrix <typename> :: matrix <typename> exp(exponent, MOD=-1)
matrix <int> a(2,2,2); auto c = a.exp(2); Matrix c is: 8 8 8 8 auto c = a.exp(2,3); Matrix c is: 3 3 3 3
- Matrix transpose
- Matrix inverse
- Currently thinking of more