Releases: Nytra/ResoniteHotReloadLib
v3.0.0 RML release for manifest
Release for RML for the manifest
Check the Readme for info on how to use it!
New stuff:
- Hot reloader now automatically generates and handles a list of menu options in the DevCreateNewForm for reloading mods. This means the user of the library doesn't need to implement their own way to trigger the reload anymore which makes things easier.
- New public API method to remove a menu option from DevCreateNewForm which is helpful if making wizards or anything that needs to have buttons there.
- Better handling of some null config situations during reload.
- Added a public API method to know how many times a mod has been hot reloaded.
- Better type checking so it will give an error if you try to reload a type which is not a ResoniteMod type.
- Check that underlying enum type is the same in convert type method.
sha256: 76c6871dc58ebee39a86758e05703831518e7992c9ecf018e2c0a7e63f8b81ac
Check the Readme for info on how to use it!
Hot reloaded mods are now properly (re)-initialized using ResoniteModLoader internal functions.
A new mod configuration definition will be created from the configuration keys in the new assembly, and prior configuration key values will be transferred to the new keys.
This means that you can change, add or remove mod configuration keys in your code, then reload the mod, and the new updated keys will show up and be usable via ResoniteModSettings (following a toggle of the mod settings page), and you will also be able to work with them as normal via the ResoniteModBase.GetConfiguration() function. The new keys will also work with configuration changed events.
Now when iterating ModLoader.Mods() the reloaded mod will show up in the list.
When using ResoniteModLoader logging functions in the new assembly, the correct mod name will show in the log file.