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FracExpConfig Files

ZERICO2005 edited this page Mar 27, 2024 · 10 revisions

ABS-Fractal-Explorer Config File

fracExpConfig files are intended to store user preferances. fracExp files are intended for storing/sharing fractals, and fracExpKB files are used for storing keybinds.


Contains the version (Major, Minor, Patch, Tags, Release Date, etc.) of ABS-Fractal-Explorer that the fracExpConfig file was exported/saved from. Also contains the Export_Time, which states the time the config file was saved at.

Differing Major/Minor versions may not be compatible with each other as fields may be added/removed/changed. Differing Patch versions should be compatible with each other.



Automatically imports ./config.fracExpConfig. If the file does not exist or this is set to false, the default configuration will be used.


Automatically exports configurations to ./config.fracExpConfig


Determines the speed that position, zoom, etc. will change by.

  • global: 1.000000 global sensitivity adjusts all sensitivities by the same amount.
  • coordinate: 1.000000
  • zoom: 1.000000
  • invert_zoom: false
  • maxIter: 1.000000
  • julia: 1.000000
  • rotation: 1.000000
  • stretch: 1.000000
  • polar_power: 1.000000
  • breakout_value: 1.000000



(0 Automatic)
Configures how the program should determine which display to open on. Doesn't have an effect if the system only has one monitor.

  1. Automatic: Goes through a multi-step process to determine which display to use
  • If the current and previous Display_Config_Hash values match, the display will open on the Previous_Display_Used.
  • If the current and previous Display_Config_Hash do not match, or the Previous_Display_Used is not set, the display will open on the Cursors Position.
  • If the Cursor Position display is invalid, the Primary Display will be used.
  • If the Primary Display is also invalid, then the first valid display will be used.
  • If none of the displays are valid, then the display with the highest resolution will be used.
  1. Cursor Position
  2. Primary Display
  3. First Display
  4. Last Display
  5. Specific Display (Opens on a specific display as defined by Specific_Bootup_Display, or the Last Display if it is not available)

Directional Based: (Calculated from the center cordinate of a display) 5. Left 6. Right 7. Center 8. Top 9. Bottom 10. Top-Left 11. Top-Right 12. Bottom-Left 13. Bottom-Right

Attribute Based: 14. Highest Resolution 15. Highest Framerate 16. Lowest Resolution 17. Lowest Framerate 18. Widest Aspect Ratio 19. Tallest Aspect Ratio


Stores which display the center of window was on when the application was closed.


Generates a unique hash value for your display configuration. When Display_Bootup_Type is set to 0 Automatic, this hash value is used to detect if the display configuration has changed.


Determines what display the program will open on if Display_Bootup_Type is set to Specific Display.


(0 Windowed)
Changes how the application will open.

  1. Windowed: A resizable and moveable window that can be moved around.
  2. Windowed-Fullscreen: The window will take up the entire screen area.

Fullscreen and/or Borderless may be added later on.


When true, the initial window size will be determined dynamically from Bootup_Window_Scale. When false, the initial window size will be set to between the Default and Minimum window size.


Determines how much of the display the window will initially take up if ScaleWindowToScreenSize is true.


(0 Automatic)
Determines how the maximum refresh-rate is determined

  1. Automatic (Currently does 1 Current Display)
  2. Current Display
  3. Highest Refresh-Rate
  4. Lowest Refresh-Rate
  5. Constant Value

Automatically_Update_RefreshRate (Not Implemented)

If Display_RefreshRate_Type is set to 0 Automatic or 1 Current Display, the refresh-rate will automatically update when the window is moved to another monitor.


If Display_RefreshRate_Type is set to 4 Constant Value, it will use the Constant_RefreshRate_Value for the maximum refresh-rate.


If Display_RefreshRate_Type is Not set to 4 Constant Value, the maximum refresh-rate will be multiplied by a value derived from Maximum_FPS_Multiplier

N == 0: Multiplied by 1
N > 0: Multiplied (N + 1) times
N < 0: Multiplied (1 / (-N + 1)) times



Prevents key inputs from moving the fractal around while in menus.


Automatically scales window size to WindowAutoScale.


Ensures that the window never goes out of bounds.


(1 Dark Theme)
Sets the ImGui Theme.

  1. Classic Theme
  2. Dark Theme
  3. Light Theme


Makes the background of the window transparent, but not the text.


Used for the default window size/scale. Used for automatically scaling the window AutoResizeWindows is true,



(0 PNG)
Sets the file format screenshots will be saved in.

  1. PNG (Recommended)
  3. TGA
  4. BMP (Not recommended)

HDR images might be supported in the future.


PNG images use lossless compression, using higher compression levels yeilds smaller file sizes.

  • Level 9: Smallest file-size
  • Level 7-8: Smaller file-size (Recommended)
  • Level 5-6: Balanced
  • Level 3-4: Faster saving
  • Level 1-2: Fastest saving (Large file-size)


JPG/JPEG images use lossy compression, which allows them to have a smaller file size than PNG images at the expense of image quality.

With a quality level of 95-100, JPG/JPEG images can take up only 25-60% the size of a PNG image. It is strongly advised that you use quality level 90 or above to reduce compression artifacts in fractal images.

  • 95-100: Very high quality (Recommended)
  • 90-94: High quality
  • 75-84: Medium quality
  • 25-74: Low quality (Not recommended)



Generates a unique hash value for your hardware configuration. This hash is used to detect any changes to hardware, which can help prevent one's slow laptop from attempting to render at the same presets as a powerful desktop computer. If changes to the hardware configuration are detected, you will be prompted with a choice of loading the Rendering_Settings from the config file (Which may or may not perform well on another computer), or loading the default Rendering_Settings, which are designed to be able to run fine on most computers.


(0 Nearest Neighbor)

  1. Nearest Neighbor: (Fastest) Doesn't blend/smear pixels but may look pixelated.
  2. Linear: (Fast) Provides a smoother transition between pixels.
  3. Bicubic: (Slow) Provides a higher quality transition between pixels.
  4. Area Interpolation: (Fast) Supposedly the same as Nearest Neighbor when zoomed in, but does a nicer job when zoomed out.
  5. Lanczos4: (Slowest) Uses an advanced algorithm to interpolate between pixels.

See Also: