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codefriar edited this page Oct 5, 2023 · 2 revisions


This class encapsulates the information needed to make a callout except the endpoint which is specified by named credential in other RestLib classes.


private RestLibApiCall()


public RestLibApiCall(HttpVerb method, String path, String query, String body, Map<String,String> headers)


Basic constructor that builds an instance with the necessary information to make a callout.


Param Description
method HttpVerb enum value ie: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DEL
path String of the path to the resource
query String of the query parameters to be appended to the path
body String of the body to be sent with the request
headers Map<String, String> of the headers to be sent with the request

public RestLibApiCall(HttpVerb method, String path, String query, String body)


Basic constructor that builds an instance with the necessary information to make a callout.


Param Description
method HttpVerb enum value ie: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DEL
path String of the path to the resource
query String of the query parameters to be appended to the path
body String of the body to be sent with the request


public defaultHeadersMap<String,String>

The default headers to use, when none are specified


public bodyString

body the string encoded body to be included in the request

public encodedQueryString

stores the encoded URL parameters

public functionalHeadersMap<String,String>

public hasBodyBoolean

Property returning true if there is a body and the method is POST or PUT

private headersMap<String,String>

public methodHttpVerb

stores the httpverb defined in the enum

public pathString

Stores the path to the resource

public queryString

The query string to be appended to the path


private static String ensureStringEndsInSlash(String resource)


Ensures that the inputted string ends in a / makes callouts more robust.


Param Description
resource string to ensure ends in /


Type Description
String inputted string with / if it didn't already end in one.

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